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  1. H

    New food bill in New Zealand takes away human right to grow food Here too. They are trying to take our rights to grow food and to buy nateuropathic medicines
  2. H

    Now he wants a 5% National Sales Tax!!!

    Obama inherited the worst economy in 20 years but he created the worst economy in 70 years. Face facts you can only blame previous administrations for so long. As Harry Truman stated the buck stops here.
  3. H

    "That Stuff" Mighty Wash? Kills Mites Dead

    Mighty is the best. I have used SNS also. Rosemary does a decent job but can not tough mighty wash
  4. H

    hemp seeds...not pot

    You can get denatured hemp seed from a feed store. They are supposed to be sterile but some always grow,
  5. H

    SNS 217 Spider Mite Killer!

    Try Mighty Wash from That Stuff. It is inert and can be used right up til the last day of flowering
  6. H

    "That Stuff" Mighty Wash? Kills Mites Dead

    Best stuff on the market as far as I am concerned
  7. H

    Spider mite??

    I use Mighty Wash which can be used even during flowering.
  8. H

    Obama bud

    Nobody could afford obama bud, it would put generations in debt to purchase any amount
  9. H

    CNN Didn't Cover the Tea Bagging Protest? Link 2 VID - plz no drama

    All of the other stations covered it from NPR on. Why should they broadcast something that is saturating the market already. If you are looking an analogy that is a poor one. They are offering differing programming when all others are offering the same.
  10. H

    Liberal lies about national health care: Bonus joe wilson edition!

    He told the truth but said it in the wrong forum. obama will get around giving free health care to illegals by granting them amnesty. It is an end around way to get more democrat voters. And before anybody says s I did not agree with any other president granting amnesty to them either. There are...
  11. H

    CNN Didn't Cover the Tea Bagging Protest? Link 2 VID - plz no drama

    Of course there is no difference between a local U2 concert and multiple tea parties all over the USA
  12. H

    CNN Didn't Cover the Tea Bagging Protest? Link 2 VID - plz no drama

    Why would the national media cover anti obama policy rallies? They are the ones that promoted his election rabidly. He is their man. Locally they have been covered here but mostly on conservative radio. Liberal radio is nonviable but the few stations that are still around simply belittle and...
  13. H

    Is Gay Marriage Really That Big Deal?

    Show me the right to be married anywhere in the constitution. It is the same with driving. There is no right.
  14. H

    I didn't vote for Obama but...

    Articulate? have you seen him without a teleprompter to read. Anyone can read a teleprompter, it takes a thinker to answer questions off the cuff. Secondly he was elected because the media painted Mc Cain as another Bush. As poorly as the economy was going obama should have won in a landslide...
  15. H

    Is Gay Marriage Really That Big Deal?

    It is a states rights issue. If it is done on the state level there is nothing that should be done. Voters of each state should decide
  16. H

    I didn't vote for Obama but...

    You miss the point completely. obama is getting a free ride and anyone that disagrees with his policies is branded a racist. Bush in no way was given any kind of a free ride. Everything I posted has happened in 9 months and no backlash from the press. Bush has been out of office for 9 months now...
  17. H

    Tax on rich for healthcare.

    The difference between Canada and the USA is the type of government, We are a Constitutional Republic in the USA. The government is given specific rights by the constitution. The bill of rights protects our rights. he Tenth Amendment restates the Constitution's principle of federalism by...
  18. H

    I didn't vote for Obama but...

    I am no friend of Bush either, He was well versed in spending our extorted tax dollars. I want to make a point about the reality of what is truly happening. Nobody deserves a free ride. To me it seems that Obama is receiving a free pass. I do admit I am speaking as a Libertarian / Constitutionalists
  19. H

    I didn't vote for Obama but...

    George Bush wasn't perfect, but let's look at our current president... If George W. Bush had spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to take Laura Bush to a play in NYC, would you have approved? If George W. Bush had reduced your retirement plan's holdings of GM stock by 90%...
  20. H

    Tax on rich for healthcare.

    To keep costs manageable, health care has to be rationed. At the basic level all will be okay but when a specialist is needed there in lays the problem. Stage 2 cancer treatment...sorry, elderly health care...sorry It's people. Soylent Green is made out of people. They're making our food out...