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  1. K

    High temps while lights off?

    Hello RIU. I have a flowering grow tent in my garage in Nor Cal and temps during the day can get up to 90F during the day in the summer and sometimes push 100F if we get hit by a heat wave. Now I know temps that high are terrible for indoor growing but what if I only had the lights on during the...
  2. K

    Fox farm soluble nutes... all the same?

    Has anyone used them?
  3. K

    Fox farm soluble nutes... all the same?

    I'm no scientist but it seems to me like the fox farm soluble nutrients Open Sesame (5-45-19), Beastie Bloomz (0-50-30) and Cha Ching (9-50-10) are all pretty much the same exact thing but with slightly different ratios. Could I just buy one and save myself some money or is it really necessary...
  4. K

    Bigger Pots or Not?

    Ok so I'm a first time grower and I believe this is my first major mistake. I planted my outdoor crop in 7.5 gallon containers 6 weeks ago with the intent of that being their final home. However, they have grown extremely fast and I'm not sure if these pots will be sufficient. So my question is...
  5. K

    moving indoor plants outdoors

    I won't be able to put a light outdoors so I'll just tone back the light schedule. How much should I tone it back? And should I do it slowly, like maybe start out at 20/4 then slowly work down to 14/10?
  6. K

    moving indoor plants outdoors

    Alright guys thank you so much for the help!
  7. K

    moving indoor plants outdoors

    Ok sweet! So when I begin to bring them outdoors and they're out there for lets say 6 hours, do I bring them right back under the fluorescent lights after being outside or do they need some dark time to "recover" from being outdoors? They're Green Crack and Jack Herer strains btw
  8. K

    moving indoor plants outdoors

    I recently started my first grow a couple weeks ago from clones my friend gave me. Right now they are inside under fluorescent lighting on a 24/0 schedule. However, due to my current situation I will need to put them outdoors by April 1st. This will not be a problem temperature-wise since I live...