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  1. CustomBudd

    What is your opinion

    Go up to your boss and say you are upset/pissed with their shitty work ethic and its not fair that they get special treatment (no punishment) just because they are a minority. Thats all you can do
  2. CustomBudd

    Sprouted little leaves

    Lets see it. If its just a leaf youll be fine. Next time start out your seeds or sprouts in a solo cup so you can cut the cup and repot without having to mess with the plant itself too much
  3. CustomBudd

    Frozen buds

    Why do these things always have to turn into "I'm right, you're wrong, check out my research cause yours is stupid"? WHO CARES?!?! Its one thing to be informative and if someone doesnt want to hear what you have to say thats their loss. Rosey is gonna smoke this stuff regardless. Although I'd...
  4. CustomBudd

    Frozen buds

    Do you know the strain? Just curious
  5. CustomBudd

    cooking with kief

    Budder is the way to go my man. Mixing it in will get the job done but the budder tastes better and gives a nicer buzz
  6. CustomBudd

    Frozen buds

    If you wanna smoke it go on and smoke it...fuck the haters
  7. CustomBudd

    which is better

    I would put it in the flower area since the CFLs dont get as hot
  8. CustomBudd

    Trichomes not clear 5th week of Flowering

    What did you use to take the close up picture?
  9. CustomBudd

    Newb Cotton candy kush grow setup?

    Any time you top or FIM, the nodes that are produced will reach for the light...meaning they will grow straight up. So if you have a stem already tied down and you FIM or top it, the stems that come out of that will grow upwards and will later need to be tied down as well. After that you can...
  10. CustomBudd

    Just Started Growing: How am i doing ?

    I used MG seed starter when it first goes into the soil becuse it was very low on nutrients, then used a different MG soil (cant remember the name) that had a nice ratio for veg. Im not saying there is a big difference, I just like to start my sprouts out in a "neutral" kind of soil.
  11. CustomBudd

    Just Started Growing: How am i doing ?

    No problemo. Like Red said MG soil is frowned upon by a lot of people but its good stuff for a first grow. Just be sure to check the NPK ratios (three numbers that show how much nitrogen, phosphorus, and potasium is mixed into the soil) before you use it.
  12. CustomBudd

    Just Started Growing: How am i doing ?

    You can use that as a supliment when flowering but 25w is definitely not enough light to grow. I used 3- 68w, 2 - 42w, and 2 - 24w CFLs, Im sure you can get through with less but thats how I did mine
  13. CustomBudd

    Just Started Growing: How am i doing ?

    I had my CFLs about 4-5 inches from the plant since they dont put off much heat at all. I prefer indoors (mainly because I cant grow outside) but there are so many more risks growing outdoors...people stealing it, law enforcemnt can see it, and somewhat unprdictable conditions are just a few.
  14. CustomBudd

    Newb Cotton candy kush grow setup?

    1. YES, that HPS will really have the flowers mindful on how far it is from your plant(s) 2. I wait till I transplant to the next sized pot till I start nutrients but its all personal preference 3. Depends on the strain, how fast it matures, and I would wait for the repot unless it...
  15. CustomBudd

    Just Started Growing: How am i doing ?

    Transplant youve been reading. As far as indoor and outdoor grows if you dont have a couple hundred buck to throw at it and you really wan to grow indoors go with CFLs. They are relatively cheap and get the job done. It wont produce like a HPS/MH system but you will be able to...
  16. CustomBudd

    4 plants, 4 oz, possible for me?

    Like Coho said go with 5 gallon pots, the 3x3 tent will be tight for 4 plants as well. You could do a scrog grow on them and definitely reach your 4 oz goal...and you could do it with fewer plants. Not trying to be picky but that Batwing reflector isnt the best; not saying it wont get the job...
  17. CustomBudd

    How do they look?

    In addition to more grow room I'd re pot them if you can into at least 5 gallon pots, buckets, whatever. It may be too late since youve started flower but thats my suggestion
  18. CustomBudd

    Trichomes not clear 5th week of Flowering

    Take a macro picture of the trichomes...the bud itself doesnt look ready though. What strain by the way?
  19. CustomBudd

    How do they look?

    If youre thinking of cloning I'd do it now. As far as the overall plant, its lookin good. What size are those pots?....they look a little small. I used a 5 gallon bucket from home depot and it worked out great. What lights are you using (looks like fluorescents), and is this in a box or...
  20. CustomBudd

    Ready for harvest?

    I know what youre saying Bong Wiz thats partially why I started this....I saw a some cloudy chomes but still had some white hairs so I was a little confused. Its all good though I'm waiting another week at least, I want to get this right! I also took more pictures for your veiw pleasure :weed...