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  1. Fury111

    Drooping LEAF

    Ok, so I have had my plant growing for about a little over a month now. I have CFL's on my baby. I went to check on her today and I found that only ONE of the main fan leaves were drooping. There was a CFL light underneath the leaf so that it could be closer to the nodes on the lower part of...
  2. Fury111

    HPS lighting for one plant?

    Will do. Thanks a lot bud!
  3. Fury111

    HPS lighting for one plant?

    I have been in veg for 2 weeks. I've been using CFL's this far. I will be switching over to HPS this week, but I was wondering what HPS wattage I should use for one or two plants. I'm thinking about purchasing an ED18 250 Watt HPS HID light to grow my one plant and throw a second under it in a...
  4. Fury111

    When should I transplant into a larger pot?

    Thanks for the tutorial! I will definitely use that method when I'm transplanting. Rex
  5. Fury111

    When should I transplant into a larger pot?

    I'm looking for some help y'all! It has been 2 weeks and my plant is looking great. I was just wondering, is my plant large enough to transplant into a larger pot? Take a look and let me know. Thanks! :leaf:
  6. Fury111

    Flush 2 days in a row?

    Alright man, thanks for the info
  7. Fury111

    Flush 2 days in a row?

    I'm using Fafard Organic Potting soil. I over fed with my nutes and now I'm getting leaf burn. I am wondering, for it to recover, is it ok to flush 2 days in a row?
  8. Fury111

    Flush 2 days in a row?

    Is it ok to flush a plant 2 days in a row ?
  9. Fury111

    Need some HELP!!!

    I agree with you. I did figure I jumped the gun on the fertilizing. I flushed the plant yesterday, would it be OK if I flushed it again today or would that harm the plant? Thanks for the speedy response.
  10. Fury111

    Need some HELP!!!

    Hey everyone, I'm doing a grow and needed some help on a few things. It has been 10 days since my seedling broke the surface. It was going great until I noticed the end tips of my leaves were getting a bit yellowish/brownish color. I want to save this plant and I know if I caught it early enough...