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  1. R

    Weird leaf deformations, anyone know whats up?

    Okay that makes sense, I don't know why I didnt think of that lol. A few leaves have some holes, could that be from water droplets?
  2. R

    Weird leaf deformations, anyone know whats up?

    Okay so after I FIMed my girls about a little less than a week ago the new growth has been weird and I've noticed some of the leaves look as if they have been cut and some have holes in them. I'm pretty sure there aren't any pests because I have not seen any. the strain is AI, 600 watt mh...
  3. R

    AACT question

    Hi guys, My question to you guys is if my AACT will go bad. The recipe I am using calls for 5 cups earthworm castings, 5 teaspoons of Alaskan fish emulsion, 5 teaspoons of molasses, and a 1/2 cup of food for the microbes, all mixed into a five gallons of distilled water in a 5 gal bucket with...
  4. R

    Droopy and yellowish leaves.....a few brown spots HELPPPP(PICS)

    Ive been using distilled RO, reverse osmosis? and yes ive been checking PH its been on the acidic side, rougly 6.0 I'd say. I had a dolomite solution to try and fix it but I havent watered and checked it since. Ill be watering tomorrow around 7 pm with a earthworm castings tea and...
  5. R

    Droopy and yellowish leaves.....a few brown spots HELPPPP(PICS)

    Okay so this is my first grow, Im using a 4v4 tent with a 600watt mh with 9 plants. Theyre potted in 70% black gold organic, 20% cooc, and 10% perlite. Theyre 2 weeks old. In the past 4 days the leaves have began to look very light in color almost yellowish, pretty droopy, and a few are...
  6. R

    Tips yellowing and a brown spot...HELP (Pics)

    I have a fan on them and a good ventilation, I have a duct with a cool tube reflector. Ill try and post a pic of the spots....theyre very small so its hard to get a good picture
  7. R

    Tips yellowing and a brown spot...HELP (Pics)

    Thanks guys, last time i watered was Saturday so I guess ill water again tuesday or wednesday. Ill add hydorgen peroxide to try and kill these gnats. The soil im using is 70% black gold organic, 20% perlite and 10% coco. What do you mean by the paperclip? and the temps have been roughly 70 at...
  8. R

    Tips yellowing and a brown spot...HELP (Pics)

    there are black spots on new growing leaves when i woke up this morning and it seems to be spreading....
  9. R

    Tips yellowing and a brown spot...HELP (Pics)

    I wait until the soil seems dry. I probably water 3-4 times a week like two double shots worth of distilled water per plant until i see runoff
  10. R

    Tips yellowing and a brown spot...HELP (Pics)

    What do you think the droopiness is being caused by? too much water?
  11. R

    Tips yellowing and a brown spot...HELP (Pics)

    Hi guys, This is my first grow and its indoors with a 4x4 grow tent. I'm using Black Gold organic soil. The plants are rougly 2 weeks old and I just noticed one plant has a brown spot and one plant's tip is starting to yellow. Some xtra info....We watered with a dolomite solution to try to...