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    Do YOU know what this is? Pics included.

    if your buying your water chances are its not RO, if anything its been put through a "brita" type filter which doesnt take out any totaly dissolved solids. I wouldnt wait to add the calmag either. calcium is the compound in dolomite lime that acts as a ph buffer and stabalizer, adding that...
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    Rainbow Mix Bloom?????

    It comes in a powder form so you will need to mix it really well with the soil, but it doesn't need to be composted. I just picked some up, its a little too early to tell compaired to the Peace of Mind I was using, but they are looking really nice.
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    Is this a good deal? and are probly the best places ive found to get gear. went to once cause i wanted a super sun 1 reflector...what a fuckin mistake. they sent me a 1000w GE bulb to go with my 250w system i just bought that was supposed to come with an eye hortilux blue...
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    My young pot plant looks extremely healthy yet is growing slowly and very bushy

    Im sure the MG soil isnt helping them much. The curling/disformed leaves look like a ph problem tho, I would test your water. The last place I lived was around 9... not fun when you dont know.
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    Growlab Tent 1000w with Fox Farms

    some strains will change color late into flowering. I believe a molybdenum deficiency will cause a redish discoloration as well tho
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    The Attitude Seedbank

    Got a call yesturday that my package was in. Placed the order on the 3rd, recieved on the 13th to the east coast. Got everything i ordered, nothing is broke and they all look viable. Stealth was a little expensive but it looks like customs peeked inside so im kinda glad i got it. tracking was...