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    Bubbleponic Vs. EBB/Flow

    love this discussion i was reading about a guy that used alkasltzer in cups under the fan leaves to do small boosts of co2 dispercemet as well as a spidermite killer
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    Bubbleponic Vs. EBB/Flow

    ohh ok yea i was overcomplicating that lol
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    Bubbleponic Vs. EBB/Flow

    it was indoors and it was a Scrog grow i was using the following 4 3ft fluorescent vita gro around the sides and 2 600w HID with home made parabolic relfectors that im pretty sure did nothing but looked cool hah the 2 600's i took computer fans and created like a exhaust as well as made...
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    Bubbleponic Vs. EBB/Flow

    thanks purp those are some good points just so i understand your saying you could make the ebb&flow run constantly like a RDWC?
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    Bubbleponic Vs. EBB/Flow

    LA cheese that is such a rewarding grow the smell and the look makes it all worth it :) well im going to start with the bubbleponics because i cant hurt to help the babies along and i plan to have the tops of the buckets that hold the net, media and the plant secured to a frame and the bottom...
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    Bubbleponic Vs. EBB/Flow

    yea im excited ordered some budda tahoe , amnesia and some strawberry cough so i think im gunna go with a modular dwc with some tweaks so i can make a really sucessfull grow since they need different soup's but the only reason i didnt switch earlier was that i had a perpetual grow goin with a...
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    Bubbleponic Vs. EBB/Flow

    thanks Patty after extensive side research i came to the same conclusion i was about to update myself but you worded it much better +rep
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    Vert ScrOG DWC Bucket: Is it plausible?

    if you still want to do a vert single bucket style dwc you can elevate the bucket on like two cut pieces of 2x4 then make a small frame that the lid can be secured to but also making a seal with the bottom bucket so that when you want to change the water you can just take out the risers and...
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    Bubbleponic Vs. EBB/Flow

    thats all well and good but the purpose is to identify the pros and cons so people can use this as a reference as to which system they want to use im looking for actual info other than "it kicks ass" but appreciate the participation
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    Bubbleponic Vs. EBB/Flow

    Bubbleponic is similar to DWC but there is a submerged pump that directly feeds oxygenated water to the root core yes early on in the grow the tubes are feeding the rock wool but knowing how quickly those lovely plants sprout roots it will be soon feeding the root structure directly Roseman has...
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    Bubbleponic Vs. EBB/Flow

    Granted im newer to the hydro community but i have enough grows under my belt to understand what is good or just talk so the purpose here is to realistically identify the pros and cons of both so that other new hydro growers can make a informed decision based on what they are growing and their...
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    6k Bubbleponic Room, and 8k 12bucket 13gal Under Current Room

    With your bubbleponic which you had mentioned is a closed system (change water) ive been tossing the idea of doing a undercurrent with adding air stones with the added O2 and the constant current you think id be a good idea as well as cutting down on possible root rot and algae due to current i...
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    ive done quite a few horizontal Scrog grows and interested in goin vert just a few technical...

    ive done quite a few horizontal Scrog grows and interested in goin vert just a few technical questions if you got time thx +rep
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    Marijuana strains for beginners

    there was mention that some of the "experenced" strains were touchy with nutes if you have your setup with a constant flow hydoponic setup with the nute added only when you can replace the absorbed water in the right proportions will that affect it or we talking sensitive as far as the total...