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    Harvest and seed question

    Thanks everyone.
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    Harvest and seed question

    Hi everyone, I have a couple of female plants, the white pistils are now mostly brown. Despite the plant being quite small (I flowered it early), is it fine to harvest now? Also, I used a male plant to pollinate one female (as I needed seeds, not clones.) The pistils are mostly brown like the...
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    Cloning by cutting plants in two

    Probably a good idea. Thanks.
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    Cloning by cutting plants in two

    Hi, I have a female plant, it's about 30cm tall (12 inches.) If I cut the top half of the plant off, would I be able to replant it as a clone, and have the bottom half of the plant regrow a top? Thanks.
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    Growing plants to get seeds

    Thanks everyone :)
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    Growing plants to get seeds

    Hi everyone, At the moment I have 3 male and 3 female plants, and they have just started to show their genders. I'm not interested in getting any bud from these plants, or cloning, I just want seeds. The plants are very small, only around 30cm (12 inches) tall. They are about 10 weeks old and...
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    Dying plant leaves and turning yellow

    Thanks for that. Other than nitrogen deficiency, is there anything else that could cause yellowing?
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    Dying plant leaves and turning yellow

    I've seen a few threads about yellowing plants in the past, but usually these people are giving their plants too many nutrients or are burning them with lights that are too close. My plants are about 5-8 weeks old, 10-20cm tall (4-8 inches), indica strain, 20/4 light cycle under 240W of CFL...
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    Cloning question

    Excellent. Thanks again.
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    Cloning question

    Just what I wanted to hear. So despite showing gender, will they still be vegetative (rather than flowering)? Apologies if that's a dumb question.
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    Cloning question

    Thanks for the help everyone :) Plants aren't nearly ready for cloning, I'll post back with some pictures when they get closer. Quick question: is there any way to tell the gender of a plant before flowering?
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    First actual "room" grow room

    I'm not a pro experience wise, so I won't offer any tips, but your setup looks pretty good at the moment.
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    Cloning question

    Anybody able to help?
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    10 days after planting

    I'd transplant in another 11-14 days. I'd also recommend more light (at least double what you've got.)
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    Spray Paint?

    May I ask why you spray painted it? Opaque means "not see through", spray painting would make it more opaque. Not sure what the painting would do for you. I'd give it at least a day with good ventilation (i.e. a fan on it), longer (3 days or so) would best best. Wash it out thoroughly with water.
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    Cloning question

    I have a few plants at the moment, they're about a month old, and I'm going to give them another month or two before I flower them. I intend to kill the males and then clone the females. Will putting the plants back into a 19 light/5 dark cycle move these clones back from the flowering stage...
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    Question about when plants reveal gender and cloning

    I've looked, but haven't really found a good answer to this question. When do plants start to reveal their gender? That is, when the female plants start showing their pistils and the males start showing those little balls near the stem. The cloning question: When should I take clones from...
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    Leaving plants without water for a week

    I've seen some other threads about this, but none really answered the question as it would apply to my situation. Soon I'll have to leave my plants for a week, which means no water. They're vegetative. Plants aren't all that old, 3-6 weeks. Will they survive fine for the week without...
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    Plants leaning towards light and falling over

    Thanks for the help, I'll leave them as they are for now, and I'll stake them if they start falling over again.
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    Plants leaning towards light and falling over

    I've got one 65W CFL light between 2 plants (and I've got two of these setups). Plants are about 7cm (3 inches) away from each other, and the light is about 3 inches above them and directly in between. Ever since I've been growing these plants, they seem to be growing towards the light, bending...