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    Is she ready?

    Hi! I haven't been counting weeks. How long do you think this Northern Lights has left? thanks!
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    Light attenuation/penetratability for HPS vs. CFL

    People keep claiming that light decays faster for CFL in contrast to HPS. Doesn't seem very feasible to me as they're the same wavelength. Any input?
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    white widow yummmm

    those leaves look so indica yum
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    Indoor CFL Grow 1x Akorn Snowbud 1x Lemon Kush 1x Not a clue.

    very nice work with that LST. how many grams do you think you have there?
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    Is it a he or a she?

    yeah he turned out to be a full blown man (:
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    How to best mask smell

    It will help for sure. this with a plug in air purifier like fabreeze and I suppose if it's not some very fragrant strain it'll work well. I say stay with this for now, if you feel that this is not sufficient have a plan ready to reduce the smell in one day. That's what I would've done. for the...
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    Seeking a good explanation regarding the distance function of hps/cfl

    Hi! Whenever CFL and HPS are compared, people always speak of the fact that HPS lights have to be placed a lot further from the plants than CFLs, while CFLs cannot be placed too far away from the plant as it'll render them almost useless. Can anyone supply a scientific explanation as to why this...
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    Highest yield per watt...

    I would say a good measurement is gram per watt per square foot/meter. That way you know if you use 400W on a plant taking 1 square meter, it's always going to be the same. Having that in mind, I've seen 0.8 is a good figure.
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    How to best mask smell

    filtering the air isn't as complex as you'd think - (assuming you have a grow space with negative air pressure). If you don't, that's not so hard either. provide some information and we can work with that. For passive filtering I'd use odor absorbing gels like "ona gel"
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    Mylar vs. Aluminum Foil vs. Mirrors

    Without addressing the question of which would be more convenient to use, in which case mylar is the winner, a mirror is obviously more reflective. Why is it more reflective? because it reflects waves in the visible spectrum 400~700nm most efficiently, almost at 100%. Mylar is good, but not as...
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    Help me develop my idea

    Yes! exactly what i've been looking for :bigjoint: thanks a lot for the input!
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    Help me develop my idea

    Ive been for the past days looking for a good way to distribute the cfl's easily around one plant. What i eventually came up with wad the idea of having long "arms" like you typically see in reading lamps, and attach my bulbs to those. This way i can move them around daily. Any idea where i can...
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    What's up with the T5's?

    yeah if i had such spreadsheet i would've just referred to it :-P that's why i'm asking anyone who knows this shit to approve. Personally, I don't think the difference as THAT big. in terms of watt/lumen it exists, but it's not as if you couldn't replace a 40w T5 with a 50W T8.
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    What's up with the T5's?

    Hi. I've heard T5 lighting is much more efficient in terms of lumen/watt. This is a good enough reason to go for it. I've also heard that T5 lights are more effective than other types of CFL's when it comes to coverage distance. I've heard something about a squared ratio of distance/intensity...
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    THE FUTURE - Audio Simulation of LIGHTWAVES....

    speed of light = wavelength x frequency. The higher the wavelength, the lower the frequency. The human eye detects wavelengths between 450~800 nm i think. Sound waves are probable around 500cm long i think. not sure.
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    NL autoflower from Greenhouse won't pop.

    Just an update: I dug it up and chipped its side where it was supposed to pop with a sharp sterile knife. 2 more days in paper towel and it popped (: after 12 days total
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    THE FUTURE - Audio Simulation of LIGHTWAVES....

    in fact you're a wave as well. just in a very low frequency and very high wave length. so high that you don't act like a wave.
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    THE FUTURE - Audio Simulation of LIGHTWAVES....

    I don't know son, sound waves and light waves are the same kind of waves, just that light waves are in a much higher frequency and a lower mass... (practically 0). an ultrasonic tune is actually a lightwave.... that's as much as i know
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    Is it a he or a she?

    I'm sorry for asking this, but I've been trying since 5 days when I flipped her to 12-12 to tell whether it's a female or a male. ( It's been vegging for a month, so it should be visible by now right?). Also, I haven't been able to identify even though I've done a lot of research on it comparing...
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    NL autoflower from Greenhouse won't pop.

    Okay yeah I understand it's probably over :cry: haha well i always have bagseeds.. can't really get commercial seeds around here. should I just let it stay there for a while longer? what are the chances?