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    HPS ballast kits

    Hey everyone. I was just wondering if ballast kits come with everything you need to wire it up and fire it up. Does anyone know anything about these things? This light has me wondering if there's anything else I'll need to order before I can get growing, thanks...
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    I assume something went wrong. Could you tell us what happened please? We see too many abandoned threads. This is counter-productive to the community as it withholds information which could've made/saved a grow. Results are important no matter what the outcome was.
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    Growing in a tree

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    Bagseed Grow...1st attempt

    Lol, it seems that the 100% stealth idea didn't pan out. Seems like it got shut down. Gumbo, you still out there??:? Hope you are still free...
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    Should I have weed sent to me in the mail?

    Look into how Moroccan hash is packaged. They package it so it can be shipped all over the world. They don't do anything as sophisticated as vacuum sealing, but there is some sort of a powder they put over the package before completion. It can be done, make sure whoever sends it does wrap it and...
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    Growing in a tree

    Are you still around?? I gotta give props like everyone else. Thinking about doing a different type of tree grow like this. I plan on having WAY higher density in an area and I also am investing in rope... and yes, a saddle. I've been studying recreational tree climbing and know of a few of the...
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    My very first grow/CFL grow

    ... 1 post... these always make me think "LEO". Keep your head down!
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    DIY portable ultrasonic fogger

    The potentiometer cost is approx. .13 per unit... you won't find anything cheaper for what you need and they are fairly available... more so than something you'll order over the net.
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    DIY portable ultrasonic fogger

    What you're looking for is a potentiometer. I used one to regulate speed of spin on an agar mixer I constructed out of magnets, pc fan and a wall adapter. The potentiometer is a variable resister which acts to reduce power to said electronic device... thus reducing mechanical spin in this...
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    Pissed on my Plant

    I read every single comment on this thread and am much less intelligent for doing it... Now I'm sorely disappointed in the human race...
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    First Attempt Grow With CFL's

    Oops, I didn't read well enough... let me just say that if they are "drooping" and they are not relaxed then they are overwatered... if they relax then not enough... Could be the temperature swing... I'm not a pro... yet
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    First Attempt Grow With CFL's

    Nope, I had this same problem my first go... it's underwatered for sure. If you're watering it often enough and it still is drooping then your soil is too loose and lets the water flow through it without hangin around... Hit it with some water...