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  1. R

    Dark Brown Spots on Stems and Bud Leaves?

    Looks like it is in descent shape to me, hard to say with such minute spots, alot of variety's stems turn red or brownish red may and/or may be K related but that looks happy in the pic as far as I can tell.
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    Nutrients Advice

    Advanced Nutrients are a fine product, I would suggest going to there website to get a better idea of what your going to be wanting to use based off the nifty Nutrient calculator they have as well as the advanced-pedia that details what you are buying and its purpose. V.H.O. is a mother...
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    balcony plant having some issues - any advice?

    The start of Potassium defficiency (pic3) in my opinion, though they don't look unhealthy by any means. It almost looks like happy tip burn but comes out a tad more necrotic and leaf edges will follow though I didnt really see many yet on the pics. Im one of the miracle grow nay sayers and have...
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    Cat attacked two of my plants

    Haha its cute and all, but any idea what a animal around your op can bring into the environment? I'd hate to see the start of a spidermite infection due to a outdoor kitty popping in to say hello.
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    My Babies Are Sick, Please Help

    Does anyone here question any post that has the words "miracle grow" in it? A good 60-80% of the outlined posts I have read with the poster using either miracle grow soil or nutrients seems to have major problems regardless of attempts at remedy. Not saying you didn't overwater/overfertilize...
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    Still Having Problems that are getting worse

    Swim doesnt want excess salts and 600 tds in his reservoir if he wants beautiful plants. Bypass that altogether, a $250 RO machine or store bought RO water will eliminate major problems right there, then fine tune your nutes working up as plants respond. As of a rule of thumb never go full...
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    The trunk of my plant is deteriorating. High nute level? or too much water?

    Not sure what ppm your going by nor which nutes, but definitely lower your water temps, over 80 f is bad news from anything I have read, locking out the ability for the water to hold oxygen. Looks like rot to me, what do the roots look like? High nute levels should be showing in the plants as...
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    Dying from bottom up

    I would avoid a flush until checking the ph, abnormal ph reads or overfertilization would be the main reasons to flush, but without pics it is hard to say. I do know that a drowned root system probably doesn't want flushed, especially if you arent seeing signs of overfertilization. Are you...
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    Dying from bottom up

    Sounds like overwatering. If you were sick would you take an ice cold bath then spend the night out in chilly weather? I don't think your plants would either and I wouldnt recomend that as a fix. Get a ph kit from any local store that carries them, usually in the pet/aquarium supplies. Your...
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    Cloning from Fan Leaves

    So far after 33 pages, albeit some good points and people trying to help this thread, I havent seen one constructive point that would favor trying the method the late great elusive genius dr. woo has so cordially provided us with. I have however seen missinformation caused by it and yes that...
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    What could this be?

    Moving the lights up a tad wouldnt hurt if its by an inch or two but that plant is certainly not exhibiting behavior of light over exposure. The whole plant would be affected by that and rapidly. kidcuruption has the right idea in waiting it out before flushing as it doesnt look to be affecting...
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    Root Pruning

    Fill us in on how it turns out. :)
  13. R

    New to growing I have no idea whats wrong.

    Bump your temps to 79 degrees, 69 is could enough that it could stunt it. Also sounds like too much water.
  14. R

    jack herer yellowing + flying insects with pics

    Looks like a text book case of lack of Nitrogen to the plants, you could try a foliar spray of dilute solution containing N on the leaves (not the buds) and see if they dont kick back a little. Basically its something that should happen but not until the last few weeks of flowering when your...
  15. R

    something killing my leaves pic

    Id agree with cruzer 100% on this. Your plants looks otherwise healthy or at least not exhibiting signs of anything other than Phosphorous deffeciency. There is nothing "normal" about the pics you sent though gradual uniform yellowing and leaf drop off from the bottom working its way up is quite...
  16. R

    please take a look the problems getting worst!

    Yeah the necrotic spots and the lack of uniform yellowing of the bottom leafs seems to rule out yellowing due to nutes being properly used as flowering comes to an end. it looks like they have been properly fed up to this point by looking at the surrounding leaf tips exhibiting there trade mark...
  17. R

    experiencing low yields, help!

    Ideally a professional grower concerned about taste and qaulity of the smoke over the qauntity is looking to see your yellowing leaf dropoff near the last few weeks of flowering. Its a great indicator that your plants have been using up the last of there nutes, nitrogen in particular, and...
  18. R

    Leaves getting rust spots and then curling up and dying

    Id heavily wage that it is your soils ph creating either lockup of nutes or incompatibility altogether though overwatering and wet or poorly aerated soils could really compound that problem so it could be a nasty combo. Like several other posts said, and keep in mind for the future- FLUSH...
  19. R

    What could this be?

    Burnt leaf tips are generally the sign of over fertilization but is generally displayed on most of the leaves. Is the picture extremely recent? If you notice a uniform transition where the other leaves are doing it I would bet thats the case. Slight fertilizer incompatibility may also lead to a...
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    Grow Can

    Two 250w bulbs put out minimal heat, although you didnt mention space specifics this should really not be an issue if you are have room to stick 2 30 gallon tupperware tubs. Speaking of which, loose the two 30 gallon tubs. 1 plants root system for an indoor grow would have a hell of a time...