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  1. GreenTownGuy

    1st grow in Seattle, with tent, 78°, 71 RH (with fan)

    Aha! I've installed an topside exhaust fan and it appears to be working A+ as described - after one hour the RH is already below 60! And this is WITHOUT the additional use of a de-humidifier. This looks like a win so far -- thanks all!
  2. GreenTownGuy

    1st grow in Seattle, with tent, 78°, 71 RH (with fan)

    Here's pix of my "maiden voyage" were taken earlier today: a single 5-gal potted AK47, raised from a 5" clone purchased 2/23/14, at 11 weeks total age.
  3. GreenTownGuy

    1st grow in Seattle, with tent, 78°, 71 RH (with fan)

    Yes, thanks again for that. Now, when you say " tying the top of plant all the way down", what exactly do you mean by that? The plant was severely topped about 4 weeks ago (growing past the light source) and appears to be somewhat in check for the time being... so many variables in this game...
  4. GreenTownGuy

    1st grow in Seattle, with tent, 78°, 71 RH (with fan)

    Thanks for the tip on the Solis Tek -- I'd rather hold off and buy an excellent hardware piece like this - excellent. I just brought a small de-humidifier into the tent before shutting down the lights earlier -- i'll see how it manages the wetness tonight and again tommorrow with the lights on...
  5. GreenTownGuy

    1st grow in Seattle, with tent, 78°, 71 RH (with fan)

    Hey thanks! Yes, VERY stretchy -- another anomaly I have no experience with (?). How does one "top" the plant to hold back height? Here's an alternate lighting deal i found on Amazon...
  6. GreenTownGuy

    1st grow in Seattle, with tent, 78°, 71 RH (with fan)

    Lighting has been a challenge figuring out for me -- I bought a 24" fluorescent T5 for vegging the clones (works great), but the HPS150 in the tent does seem to be too little (I keep it fairly close to the tops and move it higher as it grows. Are there any suitable bulbs or units that you'd...
  7. GreenTownGuy

    1st grow in Seattle, with tent, 78°, 71 RH (with fan)

    Thanks much for both of these tips. I will try the "less-water" approach next and report back. Q: Should that single HPS 150 enough for a grow tent that size?
  8. GreenTownGuy

    1st grow in Seattle, with tent, 78°, 71 RH (with fan)

    Hi - I'm a rank amateur mid-way thru my first grow: one potted (5 gal) Ak-47 inside a 48" x 48"x79" grow tent. One light in the tent, a single Sun System® HPS 150 on a 12/12 timer, and an oscillating fan on "low". The plant is about 6' and in it's 2nd week of flowering and appears quite healthy...