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  1. G

    Budding before sex?

    Ado are you a little special something. How can you say the plant has no sex signs but say it's budding maybe you should hang up your growing career for a while. Maybe do some research
  2. G

    I am the Christ- the King- the Messiah- the Lord- the Chosen One- the Savior- the Anointed One! OMG!

    somebody shoot this motherfucker. what a fucking wack job. dude your a fucking loser. get over your self. and stop fucking repeating yourself........IDIOT
  3. G


    since your flowering i would give her a balanced diet for a few rounds then go back to flower nutes. you will need to feed waaayyy more often since you got so much root mass
  4. G

    topping/ question

    thats a f.i.m brotha. i prefer missing rather than topping. get more kolas
  5. G

    My marijuana growing is very good!

    you need to do some research if you think your doing good
  6. G

    Are my plants in a good spot???

    Power line trails are risky. There is a lot of traffic between workers and people in general. think of how easy you stumbled there