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  1. JD_85

    Just Another Journal

    this is gunna b a hard journal to start cuz all the plants, are in all differant stages. but here is a start. ------flowering---room 1------ -Blue dream, dwc, general hydro, day 40 ish -G.D.P., FFOF soil, roots organics 5ml program, dont know when flipped -cornbread, FFOF soil, roots...
  2. JD_85

    2k two 818 headband's

    so, the room is a lil bit bigger then i would like for 2k, its somewhere around 5x8.I had to add around a foot for the plants to fit. i was originally going to have one wide 818 on the left and one wide 818 on the right, and in the middle WAS going to be a tall 818 and a tall kosher kush with a...
  3. JD_85

    is there any way

    is there any way i can brows the adds that are on rollitup. there was one in particular that had a quick set, portable scrog net. ive been clicking on and off of riu trying to refresh the adds but i cant FIND IT!!!!! not sure if i posted this in the rite place...
  4. JD_85

    portable scrog net with planter

    does n e 1 know how to make a movable 4x4 scrog attached to a large tote or planter. im trying to get down to 2 plants in bud but i cant figure out how move a 4x4 screen out of veg in to bud. and i dont want to run 3 individual rooms! i can only have two rooms.
  5. JD_85

    umm.. best light distance from center of bulb to foliage?

    so long story short, ive got two plants that out grew their environment. they are about 83" tall after the stretch with the pot. and 46" is the lowest viable my question is, if i make a vert. circle with a cage. how many inches should i keep plant matter from 1k. and how many inches...
  6. JD_85

    air flow question ????

    the 6" can fan has about 15' on the outgoing side and about 25' on the receiving end. if i put a Y on the receiving end and ran two 6" lines would that really help out with air flow on the output end?? or maybe a step up adapter?
  7. JD_85

    plant count and reg. seeds

    the last two years, ive been on the legal end of things and have been fading out my strains and trying new ones. ive gone through the fems. and now i want to try regs. so my question is, how to start reg seeds and come close to my magic number 6. i am fine with 4 or five cuzz i can veg for 9...
  8. JD_85

    can you add dolomite to h2o?

    If i didnt add lime to 2/3 promix &1/3 perlite. can i add some dolomite with h2o? if so. how much, with how much, for a large plant in 10 G.soilless medium kiss answer would be fine.:peace:
  9. JD_85

    g.s.cookies is this done yet

    so is this done yet, do u guys think ill get 1 & 1/2 lbs off it. i bet ill get an award without even going to the c. cup all jokes aside this gsc seed from c.c. was a pick and mix seed, i guess i was hoping to get lucky. epic fail. the pic is day 29 of flower, i will be cutting this...
  10. JD_85

    first scrog attempt..pineapple.chunk

    strain pineapple chunk by B.F. food 1/2 G.H. flora 1/2 A.N. sensi a&b, cal mag, medium 2 parts pro-mix 1 part pearlite age veg. 2 months flowering on day 31 screen size 1/6 of 5'.5 by 7'.5 room net size 2".75 x 2.75 room light 2 x 1k
  11. JD_85

    little white worms in my super soil

    hello, im about day 25 in the cook of s.s. and i checked on it and there is lil white worms, i thought it was dog hair at first. but their moving up the barrel. they are about .5" to .75" long and about a hair width wide. does ne 1 know what they might be ?