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  1. R

    first cfl grow... just want opinions from experienced people

    They have both just been cut now I cut the smaller one a week ago and got around 15 grams dry and it's pretty nice to smoke it's very sweet and pleasant for the throat and it has a very sativa high it's not the strongest weed I've smoked lol but it gets the job done and I like the type of high...
  2. R

    first cfl grow... just want opinions from experienced people

    Another little update.. This is week 6 of flower since the flip to 12/12 the smaller plant of the 2 is starting to produce a lot of crystals and showing a few more red hairs every day... One question guys approximately how long until harvest after showing a few red hairs... thanks a lot guys...
  3. R

    first cfl grow... just want opinions from experienced people

    Hello guys again just posting some pics from week 5 flowering since the flip to 12 / 12 ... i chopped one of the plants down cause it grew balls like lady Gaga lol... but hopefully my other 2 can get a bit more light and some more nutrients and I can have a couple of joints from the plant I cut :)
  4. R

    1st cfl grow opinion?

    What does defoliate mean? Sorry for being a noobster lol I'm still learning.
  5. R

    First Time Grow under CFL Light

    Hey Don she looks healthy and not bad for three weeks in flower im guessing you mean three weeks from when you did the flip to 12/12 or from when the trichs appeared?what whattage are we looking at here and whats your temperatures with your lights on and what temp with lights off? it looks like...
  6. R

    1st cfl grow opinion?

    Thanks I'm not waiting to get a lot from my plants as I didn't have the resources and a nice setup but I just wanted to experiment a little to see with my own eyes how cannabis plants grow and generally get the hang of things as I want to do a good grow next winter with hps lamps and good...
  7. R

    1st cfl grow opinion?

    Looking really nice there ajdaro and very healthy plant can't wait to see more of your progress. . I am a first time grower aswell just experimenting like you but your setup looks really good compare to mine I am at week 4 of flowering with about the same amount of lighting as you but not such a...
  8. R

    first cfl grow... just want opinions from experienced people

    Thanks a lot guys I will keep everything in mind and put it to practice you guys are the best and very helpful... peace
  9. R

    first cfl grow... just want opinions from experienced people

    I used fans all the way through veg but I stopped since flowering cause the temperature here in Greece went quite low and didn't want very low temps but I could easily put a fan again but I can't see why as my plants have great air flow but I'm no expert do you think I should put a fan even if...
  10. R

    first cfl grow... just want opinions from experienced people

    The pot has very good drainage half of it comes out after 2 minutes of watering.. any info on how much I should feed it?
  11. R

    first cfl grow... just want opinions from experienced people

    Here are some more photos these are from 4 weeks exactly since I switched the lights to 12/12
  12. R

    first cfl grow... just want opinions from experienced people

    I'm gonna add some pictures later on today of the plants a bit more detailed when my lights come on cause those pics were from 5 days ago and I have changed the setup slightly to reflect more light
  13. R

    first cfl grow... just want opinions from experienced people

    Hello again I could not find any fertiliser that was 10 10 10 the closest I found was was 7 6 5 n p k.. will this be ok? And how much do I use I have 500 ml and on the bottle it says to use a bottle cap diluted in 3 litres of water once a week but that is for generally all plants but you guys...
  14. R

    first cfl grow... just want opinions from experienced people

    Yes my plants are in one pot as I didn't even intended of growing them as tall as they got I had a mental picture of having like a small fat bush and to focus only on main collas for growth cause with the bad lighting setup I had guessed the bottom flowers wouldn't get much light but when I put...
  15. R

    first cfl grow... just want opinions from experienced people

    By the way I don't mean that I want opinions just from experienced people lol I just noticed how my title sounds.. I'm a little stoned sorry for that any comments are welcome thanks a lot.
  16. R

    first cfl grow... just want opinions from experienced people

    this is my first grow, i am in week 4 of flowering i live in greece and i would love to grow outdoor as the plants here can grow in monsterous size i dont want to risk it for the pigs to find my crop and here where i live in corfu im propably the only one growing indoor in a closet but i want...
  17. R

    Is It Possible To Make Your Weed Smell 10x's Better?

    they spray the plants with amonia to pass the borders from sniffer dogs and amonia takes the smell of weed away plus its really bad to smoke