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  1. lunazul


  2. lunazul

    9 weeks flowering... Ready yet?

    I cut the top cola and manicured it.... Left the rest as they still have some transparent trichomes and still can fill out a bit I think ;) It's not that much yet but for being the first one I'm pretty happy on the looks of the lady :)
  3. lunazul

    9 weeks flowering... Ready yet?

    Well that puts a smile in my face I think I will cut the top one which will give the lower buds more light... Those still have a bit more to go... Now that I took the pics every time I touch the buds they smell sooo much like mango yumm.... I'll post here how it goes! :) Again thank you!! :)
  4. lunazul

    9 weeks flowering... Ready yet?

    Took some pictures only minutes ago! Let's see: For the first time q saw a couple of amber ones... Your thoughts? :)
  5. lunazul

    9 weeks flowering... Ready yet?

    Guys thank you!! Such a positive crowd! I'll take some new pics in a little bit those trich pics are like a week old.... I'll post them as soon as I take them! Hugo yours looks amaziiiing!!!! !
  6. lunazul

    9 weeks flowering... Ready yet?

    Hi everyone!! I'm a newbie grower and I'm really confused on when to harvest. A bit of backstory.... I started with quite small lights led lights (2 4W) and until I posted in a forum I got Feedback I was under lighting her and everyone seemed very surprised on how big it had gotten with so...