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  1. S

    Cant figure out this plant deficiency

    How can I tell if I need calcium?
  2. S

    Cant figure out this plant deficiency

    I definitely see my mistake don't know what I was thinking been using this formula for a year. Had a serious brain fart luckily it was only one plant. Thanks everyone.
  3. S

    Cant figure out this plant deficiency

    I was thinking about just starting the flush cycle. Thanks for the feedback.
  4. S

    Cant figure out this plant deficiency

    I am using 16 ml micro and 32 ml bloom per gal. PH is 6.0. No root rot. Temps are around 76. I have a ppm meter but don't know how to use it that well.
  5. S

    Cant figure out this plant deficiency

    Trying to figure out what's wrong. Using dwc flora nutes. Using lucas formula. 1000 watt hps