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  1. NeverSmoke

    Pounds qwest - 1st round

    Any noticeable change since you made your adjustments?
  2. NeverSmoke

    Does anyone have experience with auto bubblelicious?

    get a timer so you wont miss a day in the light schedule, they are cheap.
  3. NeverSmoke

    Decepticons Outdoor Grow V3.0

    awesome! im growing blackberry from buydutchseeds, is your black berry also a black domino, raspberry cough cross?
  4. NeverSmoke

    Does anyone have experience with auto bubblelicious?

    your plant is a male, im sorry
  5. NeverSmoke

    New pot grower!

    lmao! just start by reading, all of your questions you can find answers to online.... but fyi you are off to a bad start. dont worry things just get easier!
  6. NeverSmoke

    Outdoor mom Indoor clones

    i harvested half of the big plant.... i got around 4-5 ounces dry, good high but still needs to cure
  7. NeverSmoke

    Outdoor mom Indoor clones

    Anyone following this?
  8. NeverSmoke

    Outdoor mom Indoor clones

    plantsfimmed/toppedwhite rhino before :) wr after:)mystery bag seed before after my only srtviving ice plant :( My budding clones nutes/ 400watt hps
  9. NeverSmoke

    Outdoor mom Indoor clones

    Yeah its going to flower, you just take the clones before it flowers but after she starts putting out hairs, you don't need to veg the mom forever, that's just if you want to keep taking clones off her
  10. NeverSmoke

    Outdoor mom Indoor clones

    Zaq- I like your set up
  11. NeverSmoke

    Outdoor mom Indoor clones

    I started some seeds along with the clones, 4 white rhino, 1 sour diesel, 3 ice, and 2 mystery bag seeds... I took around 35 cuttings, (expecting half to die) from my outdoor plants, my plan is to bud all of them all of right away. I have them under a 150watt hps. For the first week I had them...
  12. NeverSmoke

    Outdoor mom Indoor clones

    broken keyboard :(
  13. NeverSmoke

    i just started a new thread, check it out...

    i just started a new thread, check it out!
  14. NeverSmoke

    Outdoor mom Indoor clones

    Broken keyboard :(
  15. NeverSmoke

    Wisconsin Outdoor Attempt

    the yellowing is normal when the plant starts to bud, nice plants!
  16. NeverSmoke

    Wisconsin Outdoor Attempt

    update soon? mine in iowa are over 6ft and starting to flower, you are a little further north so im guessing yours are starting to flower as well
  17. NeverSmoke

    400W, 5 Plants, Indoor, First Grow

    your leaves are like that because you are over watering, get some drainage in the cups and dont water as often
  18. NeverSmoke

    yeah im doing an outdoor grow right now and im about to start some more soon, start a thread or...

    yeah im doing an outdoor grow right now and im about to start some more soon, start a thread or post some pics soon
  19. NeverSmoke

    Wisconsin Outdoor Attempt

    One of mine is 4.5 ft and has pre flowers... i wouldnt really worry about the purple on the stem I think that's normal
  20. NeverSmoke

    Wisconsin Outdoor Attempt

    How are your girls doing? Im groing outdoors in iowa and using you as a comparison