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  1. M

    Why Should I Vote for Obama?

    Bottom Line is Health Insurance should be non-profit, setup multiple "group policies" based on region. If you travel then you can opt for an extended plan. Cut out the middle men "investors, board members, adjusters, paper pushers, phone nurses, ect". Everyone who pays into the "group policy"...
  2. M

    Why Should I Vote for Obama?

    The fact of the matter is the events and policies that pushed deficits to these high levels in the near term were, FOR THE MOST PART, not of President Obama’s making. The economic downturn; President Bush’s tax cuts,wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are the underlying to our county's...
  3. M

    All must read!!!

    Anyone that knowingly withholds treatment isn't following the Hippocratic Oath "swearing to practice medicine ethically" should be hung on live television =), also if they keep drugs that cure off the market how many drugs do they approve "scientifically" that results in chronic illness but not...
  4. M

    All This Talk About Taxes

    Simple solution is to introduce government competition to the industries that only care about the bottom line. I.e Insurance companies, energy, also any city/state/fed employment funded by taxpayers should follow a simple rule of lower wages and a higher number of employees= more tax...
  5. M

    All This Talk About Taxes

    Compare Population from the 1930's 40's 50's and so on then compare wages, then compare defense spending and taxes, at this rate in 2050 avg salary going to be 150k and all the baby-boomers are going to be starving. Food, necessities will probably cost 5x what they do now and retirement plans...
  6. M

    All This Talk About Taxes

    Population is only increasing and to want to cut "spending" is going to eliminate the middle class forever. The only thing that should be cut is defense spending but the previous administration already made policy not to cut defense "private contractors guarding oil" but to position itself for...
  7. M

    Rebuid and reload step by step

    Live in colder temps during winter season but come spring time I probably will add a 1/10 hp chiller to chill 40 gal +/- and co2 gen/controller
  8. M

    Rebuid and reload step by step

    Hey woodsmaneh! and UndercurrentDWC if you see this I would appreciate your input. I am about to put together a UC-DWC and I want to use (12) 5 gal black buckets w/10" net lids, 1 1/2" in pvc (uniseals are cheaper major reason and I think 2" in pvc is overkill for my setup). I plan on running 4...
  9. M

    Flowering with UnderCurrentDWC

    nice the water chiller necessary in fall/winter season?? Thanks
  10. M

    out of state card vallid in RI?

    Out-of-State Patients The reciprocity clause of the Rhode Island Medical Marijuana Act protects patients from any medical marijuana state who are in Rhode Island and have their documentation with them. This means that patients from Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Michigan...
  11. M

    Online poker is done.

    WTF make it legal and tax it. I liked how fulltilt min deposit was $10. Just for fun but what else is new with FEDs
  12. M

    Why I think Tax Cuts For The Rich Are Good?

    Last I checked the Health Insurance Industry is an oligopoly as well as the energy Industry as well as most industries including govn't sectors protected by unions. Lobbyist's are paid millions I understand this but my question was how come some Billionaire with a heart hasn't made a difference...
  13. M

    Why I think Tax Cuts For The Rich Are Good?

    Kind of off topic but IMO interconnected with the Big Picture. Can someone explain why some billionaire with morals hasn't started a non profit "group policy" health insurance plan on the simple premise that not all members of the group are sick every day/month/year? This would introduce...
  14. M

    The Obama plan vs. the Ryan plan

    Its crazy we borrow money to fight wars from the country who spends the least per person per year on war $85 vs $2225 or $8900 per 4 person family per year
  15. M

    The Obama plan vs. the Ryan plan

    Ye so why are they doing it now. No bid defense contracts. Works both ways
  16. M

    The Obama plan vs. the Ryan plan

    The Constitution was signed in 1776 when there was less than 4 million people. To say everything we need to do now has to follow something that couldn't have predicted our current situation is insanely absurd. Another huge problem is the education of our citizens. Overall our county is half full...
  17. M

    The Obama plan vs. the Ryan plan

    You can't teach teabaggers anything. Probably from all the brain damage you got from all the beatings you got as a boy. I'm sure your a carbon copy of your father and his be4 him. But instead of going by hillbilly, TeaBagger is where it's at.
  18. M

    The Obama plan vs. the Ryan plan

    Ok I will simplify for all intellectual levels to understand. Even the biggest and strongest fall when you can't pay your soldiers i.e. Roman Empire teabagger
  19. M

    The Obama plan vs. the Ryan plan

    Teabagger the reason why government is so large is sipmly because the population has grown. Census Pop. %± 1790 3,929,214 — 1800 5,236,631 33.3% 1810 7,239,881 38.3% 1820 9,638,453 33.1% 1830 12,866,020 33.5% 1840 17,069,453 32.7% 1850 23,191,876 35.9% 1860 31,443,321 35.6%...
  20. M

    The Obama plan vs. the Ryan plan

    Exactly we should look at the history of empires over extending, going broke then collapsing.