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  1. CannaBrained

    Expected Growth?

    Here they be
  2. CannaBrained

    Expected Growth?

    So in a nut shell, this makes my fourth year growing. When I started out I was using soiless with bottled nutes and in the last year have converted to living soil. With the introduction of soil and compost matter also came the introduction of pests. Having been unprepared for this sad event, my...
  3. CannaBrained

    Flushing Issue

    For the past many flushes ive done ive been having issues with water uptake. The majority of plants (not all...but most) stop taking up water ENTIRELY after the first flush. Ive done nothing different: Ph is on mark Water is good temp Its tap water that has been out for 36 hours And it gets...
  4. CannaBrained

    ACMPR application times

    I know there are already some threads discussing the wait times for applications. However, having called HC and waiting 3 hours to be told my file wasnt even in the system yet may I suggest a thread that may save some of us some aggrevation time: A simple thread that has posts only by those who...
  5. CannaBrained

    Gnat Flies...Damn Gnat Flies

    Sounds to me like this is more of a common situation than not. So much so that it sounds like tackling the flies should be part of the regular prep regime when working with soil. Regardless of the source for materials. I will certainly be keeping various products available from now on as part...
  6. CannaBrained

    Gnat Flies...Damn Gnat Flies

    Well let it be known that I used Wiggly Worm as well. It could have been the potting soil as well but Ive been using that potting soild for months with house plants ....with nothing. I had a feeling the fuckers may have come from one of the products but wasnt sure which. Still cant say 100% but...
  7. CannaBrained

    Gnat Flies...Damn Gnat Flies

    I"m definitely thinking of going with the Pyrethrin and/or Nematodes. This is not some fly or two annoying me, these bastards have formed an army and must be subdued. Thanks again for the heads up.
  8. CannaBrained

    Gnat Flies...Damn Gnat Flies

    Excellent. Thanks for the fast responses folks. I've never heard of Pyrethrin and did a quick read about it. What I've read so far doesn't mention anything about killing the eggs. Would it be effective in that department?
  9. CannaBrained

    Gnat Flies...Damn Gnat Flies

    Hello, I'm new here, well, been lurking for some time acquiring info to get started on a medical grow. Since then I believe I've learned lots, and now that my license will be issued soon I have preparing steadfast. That said, I intend to grow organically in soil which I have prepared in two...