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  1. B

    last try

    gyo said 8-9 weeks
  2. B

    last try

    she started pre flowers at 3 weeks, was defiantly in full flower at 4, and now she's at week 5.
  3. B

    last try

    thanks for taking away my hope and not even helping?
  4. B

    last try

    removed all 9 dead leaves, yellowing has slowed, new growth is beautiful, plant still very droopy. i did exactly what you said. only flushed out 2 gallons tho.
  5. B

    last try. please help

    she's supposed to lose 14 leaves at 4 weeks old, with 5-6 weeks left? ha
  6. B

    last try. please help

    i haven't used any flower nutes, but thank you.
  7. B

    last try. please help

    i use this tap that's been sitting out a couple days, the PH is about 8. i PH the water down unless i add nutes. i don't have a ppm meter so i'm not sure. and yes, i always make sure that the pot is dry before i water again, my leaves are very droopy, but i'm almost positive it's not...
  8. B

    last try. please help

    are those blue/green and brown marks just from the leaf dying? kinda weird
  9. B

    last try. please help

    here is what i've fed and watered. sprouted 4/24, kept top moist with spray bottle until 13 days old; 5/7 - .5 gallon Grow 1.5ml BioRoot 1.5ml BioWeed 1ml CaMg+ 1ml Diamond Black 1ml 5/10 - .5 gallon Root 5ml Weed 3ml (got nute burn) 5/16 - 1 gallon flush PH 6.0 5/19 - 1/4 of gallon PH 6.1...
  10. B

    last try. please help

    this is my last try to seek any help. i have seen new colors pop up on the leaves, so i'm trying one more time to try to figure out what's wrong. my plants just keep getting more and more yellow, everyday i notice more yellow on the undergrowth. she's lost 5 leaves in 3 days. my two autoflowers...
  11. B

    last try

    this is my last try to seek any help. i have seen new colors pop up on the leaves, so i'm trying one more time to try to figure out what's wrong. my plants just keep getting more and more yellow, everyday i notice more yellow on the undergrowth. she's lost 5 leaves in 3 days. my two autoflowers...
  12. B

    help save her please

    there are new marks on the leaves. this change anything?
  13. B

    help save her please

    she's 1 month and 2 days old. well, i'm officially done. i checked the soil in multiple places and it was bone dry, last time i watered them was 4 days ago. so, i used a pencil and stuck a bunch of holes 3/4 down in the soil around the perimeter of their canopies to try to help get some oxygen...
  14. B

    help save her please

    top soil dries out in like a day, and if i stick my finger about two inches down it feels bone dry in some parts of the pot and kinda moist in other parts about 3 days or so after water. i just poured that shitty soil in and didn't even break it up or anything so i'm thinking it's a terrible...
  15. B

    help save her please

    do you still recommend using BioMarine (2-3-1) or should i use my veg nutes (4-3-3)? and i'll give her some diamond black, but what will that do exactly?
  16. B

    help save her please

    my soil is actually straight shit, i wasn't aware woody soils neeed more perlite. how the leaves are slowly turning yellow in patches, is that consistent with lack of nitrogen? because i'm afraid my problem is the terrible drainage from soil.
  17. B

    help save her

    the yellowing of the leaves is nutrient burn?
  18. B

    help save her please

    please help. my plants just keep getting more and more yellow, everyday i notice more yellow on the undergrowth. one of the oldest leaves just shriveled up and died, and another is about to. my two autoflowers, are almost 4 weeks old. this is my first grow and i got a little excited about the...
  19. B

    help save her

    please help. my plants just keep getting more and more yellow, everyday i notice more yellow on the undergrowth. one of the oldest leaves just shriveled up and died, and another is about to. my two autoflowers, are almost 4 weeks old. this is my first grow and i got a little excited about the...
  20. B

    please help save her

    she has some very beautiful new growth coming in here are some pictures of the full plant please help me, i don't know if she'll make it.