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  1. Duck_Lbc

    Doc's Dank Seeds

    Hi doc I’m growing TPR and was wondering what week she normally starts to turn purple?
  2. Duck_Lbc

    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    Should I spray the epson salt on the leaves for put it on top of the soil?
  3. Duck_Lbc

    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    Would any one have an idea of what’s happening to my plants. They are getting brown spots on them and starting to turn a light green. They are three week old clones put into ocean forest soil. It’s on two out four plants.
  4. Duck_Lbc

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    Would any one have an idea of what is affecting my plants, it’s on two of four plants. They are 3 week old cuts that are growing in ocean forest soil.
  5. Duck_Lbc

    Recent Hazeman's Seeds

    It's outdoors... It's a haze mans mikado the description says its a 40 day strain but it's going on day 52.
  6. Duck_Lbc

    Recent Hazeman's Seeds

    Would any one be able to tell me how much longer this mikado has to go? It's been flowering for 52 days now...