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    Did i ruin my mylar?

    awesome thanks for the help.
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    Did i ruin my mylar?

    I recently purchased some mylar to start a little plant indoors. I got andy and took it out of the plastic wrap and now that i am ready to set up it is all crinkly looks like crinkly tinfoil. Don't have any pics but i hope you get the idea, anyways am i still able to use it or not? :-?
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    A question about soil.

    I live in canada and cannot find fox farm soil/nutes anywhere. I was wondering about some alternatives, last year I used black earth and sheep/cattle manuer in my holes never fed them either but never got the results i was hoping, ive searched the forums and cannot really find anything that...
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    i have 8 plants that have been flowering for about 2 weeks now but they arnt filling out or far along at all. I've been told to use molassas, would that make my buds bigger? if not what would?:confused:
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    need help choosing strains to grow outdoors in ontario

    im in ontario too, as you prob no we dont have a very long seson so just try to pick a plant with a not so long flowering period, autos work nicly too.
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    looking to start a guerilla grow

    I would plant near one of those waterways, the native soil would work but i would buy some potting soil. Im up in canada so i dont usally need to water my plants but for seeds look for a strain that is suitable for your climate. Goodluck bud:leaf:
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    Outdoor 2009 Backyard Giants

    i like your garage
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    GanjaFarmers09grow 5 out of 7 stolen..

    nice fuckin plants man
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    Attention ontario growers !

    not the greatest summer here
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    Ontario Eye Candy ^_^

    ahh gotta love ontario
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    yea they are showing pre flowers ill post some pictures next time i go out there.
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    No nutes, and no im moving houses so im putting them in a friends backtard, how deep should i dig?
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    i have 3 plants that i need to transplant tonight, one is almost 7 feet and the other ones are about 5 feet and they are pretty close together, there is also a cinderblock wall behind it.. i dont no what to do because wouldnt all the roots be tangled with eachother? and if i was to dig them up i...
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    ff tiger bloom rocks

    do you only use tiger bloom or do you use big bloom too?
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    Whats wrong

    i feed it MG every now and than and i dont think its spider mites ill try to get a better pic later today
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    Whats wrong

    any help would be appreciated
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    Whats wrong

    i started this plant from seed and it has been through alot of shit, the leaves are starsing to get little brown sploches over them but the knew leaves that come in seem to be fine, sorry about the shitty pic
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    FIRST GROW, pics..

    tell me what you think
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    FIRST GROW, pics..

    this is my first grow.. i have three plants, the strains are The Hog, AK-47 and Juicy Fruit (which is pretty fucked) :leaf:
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    i was checking out my plants today and notices some tiny bugs.. are they harmful to my plant and does anyone no what they are?