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  1. I

    Anyone else waiting for Samsung strips?

    Bottom-line, for me, is that if the H-inFLUX are even marginally more efficient than Gen3 F-Series, electricity costs will more than make-up for the difference in up-front cost.
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    Anyone else waiting for Samsung strips?

    You can use the same drivers for the H-inFlux as you do with LEDG's "Example" builds for the F Series Gen 3s.. I was under the impression that these new H-inFlux strips...
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    Anyone else waiting for Samsung strips?

    BTW Digikey has ALL SPECTRUMS of 2' and 1' H-inFlux in-stock and shipping. If you're buying 8 for a 4x4 build, you might as well got the discount buying 10 for only @ $30 more, and have a couple in reserve...or for a veg cab.
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    New style Samsung LM561C Board

    Thanks for the responses, guys. What temperature would you all advise going with for a flower room...3500k? 4000k? 3000? Hotter? Is it worth mixing 3500k AND 4000k? One guy did a Spydr/Fluence "clone" build, and mixed 3000k and 3500k (on EACH 1 inch aluminum channel piece), but...
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    New style Samsung LM561C Board

    Do these strips REALLY need proper aluminum heatsinks, or can one get by mounting to some aluminum L channel? This guy used the heatsinks on his first light, but switched to the L channel, as temps were pretty low, and his exhaust placement was directly across from the plane of the lights...he...
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    New style Samsung LM561C Board

    Wow, that link is very good...I'm not sure how I missed it! But still, I'd be open to other suggestions for board builds, etc. In a technology so new to me, it's the questions one doesn't realize to ask that are often-times the most important to have answered, if that makes sense.
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    New style Samsung LM561C Board

    Hey Viceman666, Thanks for the link to the LED Gardener! I've been over there quite a lot the last few days, learning what I can. I guess I'm not certain if a strips build is the best thing for my cabinet, and am definitely open to suggestions. The thing about a strips build is that under...
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    New style Samsung LM561C Board

    Hi! THIS is exactly what I'd like to know...where is the latest synopsis/summary of what to buy NOW (March/2018) to cover a 4'x4' (or possibly a 4'x3') flower cabinet build. I was looking at getting 30-40 meters of Samsung LM561C (3500k) flexible strips to hook-up, as I've seen them work very...