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  1. Odindris

    Seedlings, one perfect, the other stalling.

    Yeah it def was not happy.. the leaves did open up after I took it off, we’ll see..hopefully it recovers... if not then all well, learn the hard way.
  2. Odindris

    Seedlings, one perfect, the other stalling.

    I think the small one was unable to open. If you look close you can see a feint membrane around the tips. I did my best to remove this when I got home. We’ll see how it looks tomorrow... Edit: That’s exactly what it was! I finally got that tiny membrane completely off and got the 2 leaves to...
  3. Odindris

    Seedlings, one perfect, the other stalling.

    I really don’t think it was mold, but I will keep a close eye on them for any signs. I know one thing.. I’ll always scrub/sanitize my pots after use from now on lol. Lesson learned.
  4. Odindris

    Seedlings, one perfect, the other stalling.

    I took the plants out of the pots very gently not exposing the roots, scrubbed the pots out with very hot soapy water. Found the small one was holding onto quite a bit of water, and was kind of dense so I made a fresh batch of coco/perlite, and re potted both.
  5. Odindris

    Seedlings, one perfect, the other stalling.

    Wow yeah, great spot!! I will do that as soon as I get home. It’s def old residue.
  6. Odindris

    Seedlings, one perfect, the other stalling.

    Thanks for the reply. Hopefully with no watering today, it’ll dry out a bit and be able to breathe. I didn’t think I was over watering, but looking at that pic it’s pretty clear that it’s saturated lol.
  7. Odindris

    Seedlings, one perfect, the other stalling.

    These have been in coco for 4 days now. The one took right off, and the other not so much. I took the seed husk off bc it seemed like it was having a hard time cracking it open. Since then it hasn’t had much progress. Here are a couple pics. One is of the healthy one, and the other is of the one...
  8. Odindris

    COBs + ChilLED 100w PCB DIY

    I’ll just end up keeping the 1400 and ordering a 1050. I’d just end up reordering it in a few months anyways.. Well... hopefully this can help others to understand that aspect of selecting a driver.
  9. Odindris

    COBs + ChilLED 100w PCB DIY

    Prolly have to get the 1050 version that one maxes at 305v. The cobs I got are 2 * Citizen CLU048 52v 3500k. No big deal bc I caught it before I had the set up all done lol. Always pays to triple check!!
  10. Odindris

    COBs + ChilLED 100w PCB DIY

    I just read something that may be a problem. Please take a look and confirm. On the HLG-320H-C1400A the output CC voltage is 114-229v so I don’t think I’ll be able to run all 6 lights off the same driver. 45x(4)= 180 + 52x(2) = 284v which is > 229v.
  11. Odindris

    COBs + ChilLED 100w PCB DIY

    Lots of good info. I’ll be getting more cobs in the future. Figured I’d try the boards out for this one. I ended up getting a really good deal on a HLG-320H-c1400a. Figured I can just dial it down, and it’ll be more versatile for future use. All together I’ll be running the (4) ChilLED boards...
  12. Odindris

    COBs + ChilLED 100w PCB DIY

    Ahh gotcha.. yeah that’s what I figured, just wanted to make sure. Yea for a couple plants not worth it lol. I’ll have to do some more research on it after I have everything dialed in. It’s an interesting aspect for sure. I’ll be pretty pumped after I get the LEDs down pat. Just a learning curve...
  13. Odindris

    COBs + ChilLED 100w PCB DIY

    The forward current on the citizen cobs is 1620ma. I don’t think the hlg-320h-c1050b will work on them will it? Just getting ready to order, and found that checking specs one more time. I’ve thought about some co2. From everything I’ve read it’s pretty simple, and has some great advantages.
  14. Odindris

    COBs + ChilLED 100w PCB DIY

    That sounds like a good plan to me. Thank you all very much for your help! I’ll order up a HLG-320H-C1050B, (2) * CLU-1818 52v 3500k, (6) * 140mm heat sinks, and some rail, wire, etc... Chil boards were just shipped out today. Should be going in the next week hopefully. Sound about right?
  15. Odindris

    COBs + ChilLED 100w PCB DIY

    Yeah I see what your saying.. 5 wouldn’t fit just right. If anything I’d do as you suggested. 3+2 because I will be expanding after this grow. I’m kind of leaning towards what @Randomblame suggested and just getting a couple 3500k 52v cobs to supplement the boards and have an all in one light. I...
  16. Odindris

    COBs + ChilLED 100w PCB DIY

    That’s not a bad idea @Randomblame.. could do the 4 boards plus 2 3500k 52w citizen cobs. I think that would be a solid Veg/bloom light, should have plenty of light. I’ll have to figure out the PPFD. If I did this, I’d have to run a 2100ma driver correct? If I ran it all of the same driver...
  17. Odindris

    COBs + ChilLED 100w PCB DIY

    So I’m gunna get (5) 3500k citizen clu048-1818 gen 6. As for the driver, I’m not really sure. I’m still trying to figuring that out. Also not really sure what wattage to run them at for optimal growth. Going with some 140mm pin heat sinks.
  18. Odindris

    COBs + ChilLED 100w PCB DIY

    @Aolelon those clu048-1818 def do look good, and are cheaper than Cree. Might just have to go with those. Good spot. This 2x4 is just a test DIY, as long as all goes well I should learn a lot, and translate that to a larger area. So really I don’t mind if I buy a couple extra cobs and run them...
  19. Odindris

    COBs + ChilLED 100w PCB DIY

    Ok, cool.. thanks a lot for the detailed info. If I decided to go with (5) 36v 3500k cobs, you think the HLG-240H-C1400B would be good?
  20. Odindris

    COBs + ChilLED 100w PCB DIY

    Thank you for that explanation @skoomd ! Now I see what you were trying to tell me @Aolelon lol. So maybe a better plan is to use the (4) chilLeds for flowering. Then I’ll buy (4-5) 3500k COBs for Veg? Do you think this will be enough for 2 plants in a 2x4?