10day old clone *Tips Turning Yellow?*

Hey guys, i just picked up two clones from the dispencery and had them delivered to me and when i got them one out of the two had yellow tips and one blade was brown? I got them into my grow box ( i will post pixs of it ) and trimmed the dead tips off so the plant can focus on growing roots. My grow box cuttently has 4cfl 23watt, 6500 2 in each lamp, and a 24inch T5 sunblaster. I have a 8inch exahust fan and a 4inch intake. Keep in mind this is my first attempt at building a growbox and my first try at growing.

Any advice on the yellow tips would be great.:-P





Well-Known Member
I usually grow from seed never grew with clones:-oBut if them were seedlings I would definitely say their root bound:lol:What was you going to transplant'em into at least a 1 gallon pot:-PPut then babies in something good and they should recover nicely:cool:You can pop'em out of the cup to check the root:lol:
I would say one of two things. They look like they don't have roots that's why MrGhettoGrower noticed they look root bound. The symptoms are probably similar because they can't get enough water or nutrients. It could be either one. Maybe the dispensary held those clones too long and got root bound or maybe the roots never grew when they cloned them.

I once cloned some plants and I used a powder rooting agent and they clones looked good for weeks... I went to transplant them when they were yellowing a bit on the tips and POP the clone came right out of the soil with NO roots. I looked in the cup and didn't find any at all. I would recommend repotting them with some rooting agent/water mix to promote root growth.

Good luck Rep+ if this helps.
I just looked at the pics, they look like it could even be nitrogen overload possibly because of the thinned out, curved, dried tip leaves. Did you fertilize them at all they may have been overfertilized for their size. If you didn't fertilize I would say my first post. If you fertilized already and think you may have done too much it may be that. I can't see very well in the pics i could just see the curving of the leaves. Usually the N makes them ram horn or curve up towards the lights.
Definetly not root bound. You can go to 18" in those party cups. Are there holes in the bottom of the cup allowing the water to drain?

What type of soil is that? Looks like you planted clones into a regular soil and not a seed starter soil. You prolly got nute burn.
These plants 12days old since sprouting. When i got the plants i was told they were potted in quality organic soil, I have not used any fert or nuts because i was waiting till they had some solid roots. I trimmed off the burnt tips and the plants seem to be doing better, i had my grow box temp over 90degrees for two days but i got that fixed and its sitting around 80.

Im thinking maby the 45min drive it they took to get here may have something to do with it.

Whats rootbound?

Thanks for the help guys!


Well-Known Member
To see if they need transplanting water'em so the dirt stays together then pop'em out of the cup to look at the roots:clap:You can squeeze the bottom of the cup while turning it around to loosen all sides or take a knife and run it around the inside of the cup:clap:The roots don't like light but it only takes a minute~


Well-Known Member
May have been a liitle overwatered at the dispensory, yellowing it. Go easy on the waterings for next 2 weeks, or until its growing healthy.
Thanks BUDS, I got them into bigger pots and fed some BioBizz- BioGrow. There doing really good now ill post pixs when i get a new sdcard reader.

Thanks for the help guys!
I know its been a while since i posted but i think its time for an update:-P
The girls are now 3weeks old, the little one is about 8 days . I decided to top the bubblegum, but not the strawberry just to see how it turns out.

All comments and questions are welcome.


