16 plants under 16 Badboy Tubes


Active Member
Darkone, those t5s need to be closer or else your plants are gonna stretch too much. Also you might want to lst the plants to increase the efficiency of the lights.


Darkone, those t5s need to be closer or else your plants are gonna stretch too much. Also you might want to lst the plants to increase the efficiency of the lights.
Easy answer...but...The T-5s have never beem more than a couple inches abobe the plants.Any closer and the leaves/tops burn.
I have been raising the lights as slow as possible just to keep them above that "burn" threshold.
This is working great for all the strains but one (all the tall plants are the same KushX strain).These did the same thing under HID lights.

Thanks for checking out my thread bud!


The girls are in thier fifth week now and fattening up very nicely!
I am quite surprised at how deep the T-5's are actually penetrating the canopy.Even midway and lower buds are gaining size at a great rate.
The girls got the second and last dose of bloom food.Still drawing about three cups of water per every two-three days.
This should start to drop off a bit now that I am in 5th week.
A couple of the really tall plants I have had to lay at an angel as the tops got a bit burnt by the lamps.
The T-5's are really not terribly efficient.For over 800 watt draw,the amount of lumens produced shows how much energy is being wasted as heat.
Even though the results look really good at this time,I will only be using the Badboys for veg from this point on.
The entire idea behind floro lighting was to keep resources down.However the T-5's do not do this,they use more juice for less light,
cannot be "air cooled" as effectively as HID and dont (to the eye) produce as "red" a spectrum as HID.
They do however give a nice big footprint so the usage is ideal for veg.
All in all the new digital ballasts for HID lights are far more power efficient and produce a better lumen output,
they will be my tool of choice for future grows.
I look forward to the end of this show,just to be able to drop this heavey power draw.
Thats it for this weeks update,thanks for checkin out my grow.



Active Member
They sure look nice.
Thanks for sharing your experiment about the lights. ( I learned something without making the mistake myself) props


Well-Known Member
I like the spiral CFLS better then tubes and as long as u got a breeze going across them they really don't put out alot of heat and i use the giant ones i keep them so close that overnight my gals grow and touch the lights so i gotta raise them in the morning or they touch and u know what happens after that =D


Six weeks in and getting fat.
Gone to straight water for the rest of this run.The girls are now taking an extra day to swallow thier 3 cups of water,so they are slowing down

It appears that a couple of my "new" strains are going to finish faster than the old standbys.
I have some ISS to try for next run.One of my favorite tasting buds so I look forward to it.

Time to start plucking some yellow leaf as the girls are ripening and allowing the leaves to be stripped of nutes.
I expect this from week 5 onwards just a lot of work LOL.

Temps are getting very cold at night..low to mid 50'sF.Day temps are staying in mid seventies,so i should get really nice hard nugs.
Only a couple more weeks and this run is done...back to HID for me!

Thanks for checking out my grow.



Well-Known Member
Nice grow, I'm about to initiate a 6x55w t5ho cfl grow myself. Glad to see the great results with the t5's and in particular the seemingly good penetration. I think I will LST myself but your grow looks fantastic. :)


seventh week now for the girls.So close...but so damn far LOL
Every time I look at those chunky buds I am some tempted to snag one and "accidentally" break it off.
The plants have been on just straight water for almost two weeks and the leaves are yellowing off nicely.
They have slowed down intake by about %25 as it takes just better than 4 days to drink the three cups of water.
I have plucked leaf twice now and will need to do so at least once more before the end.
Day temps still hovering in mid 70s and night temps to mid 50s
I have found that the colder you can get it at lights off,the harder your buds get.
Below mid 50s can become problematic however as the soil will start denying oxygen and water to the roots
when it drops below the 50f mark.
Past all the critical stages,nothing can screw up from here. . and hell,if it does its to damn late to do anything about it LOL.
Thanks for checking out my grow.



Active Member
awesome grow! what was final dry weight on that? I just got a badboy 12 bulb && was thinking of a doing a sog with a 400w CMH mounted just below the middle of the fixture for the last two weeks.