1st auto


Just took down my 1st autofem LowRider2. It grew seeds... Anyone have this issue before? Not sure whether to try planting the seeds. Don't know what will grow out of these seeds. Anyone experienced this?


Well-Known Member
If it grew seeds, then somehow a male plant pollinated them. I would 1000% not use the seeds. Hope that helps!


Well-Known Member
I did read somewhere that Canna can throw out a few seeds in its dying breaths...you know self preservation...but this I think was saying IF you find just a few beans not shit loads of em like..and then you have the maturity thing...Baked was ages ago...bet someone can spread some more light on this or maybe RIU has a Thread on it somewhere...



Well-Known Member
A auto fem plant will rarely produce seeds by its self but if u have one that happens to produce a few I would defiantly keep them. If it has seeds all over then I would through them out. They won't be worth anything. An like the abovethread