1st Indoor DWC/ScrOG Grow! 400watter!


Well-Known Member
Im waiting for my seeds right now, but i thought i should go ahead and show you guys what my setup looks like.

Its two 5 gal buckets, air pump, air stones, the whole 9.
Its a 400W, but nothing special about the hood.

Ill start my seeds directly from the rockwool in the buckets.
Hopefully it works out, i dont see why it wouldnt.

This will be my second indoor grow.
My first was Soil, now im going to try for Hydro DWC ScrOG.
(I hear it works gr8 with Chronic)

So if anyone has opinions or tips, feel free to comment and help this newbie out with their first DWC grow!



Well-Known Member
Ok, so im having a little trouble with this grow. I cant get my pH to stay stable, it keeps topping out to 7.1.
My last grow was soil, and all i did was let my tapwater sit out a couple of days, and watered the next. And all four of the ladies grew into 5' monsters all yielding little over an o a plant.

The only difference in this grow, is i didnt let the resevoir water sit to evaporate all the chemicals. Could that be the reason my pH is so fucky?
I already figured that was it, so i have 10 gallons of tap water sitting and evaporating, waiting until tomoro to change the res.

So im debating switching one plant for a soil grow. i can still do my scrog and I wont have to worry about this pH bullshit. idk.
If i could get any tips that would be great!

Im using fox Farm nutes and plan to water the soil with that.
My medium is rockwool. Which was soaked for 3 days in 5.0 water.
My water temp in the hydro grow so far, will not go below 87 in that room. How can i cool it down other than frozen water bottles?


Well-Known Member
Ive changed the res about 3 times just to try to get the pH to stay.

Ive tried letting the tap water sit out overnight, and when i poured my nutes in and placed them back into the closet, the temp rises, bringing it from 5.0 to 7.4.

Idfk what to do.
Maybe go buy 10 gal worth of distilled water, because i know that stuff is 6.0-6.5.

Anyway, heres the progress. (im still excited lol):-o



Active Member
Ill be growing serious chronic soon so ill be pulling up a chair. The ph will fluctuate..you may have too adjust daily.


Well-Known Member
Ill be growing serious chronic soon so ill be pulling up a chair. The ph will fluctuate..you may have too adjust daily.
Thanks man, and yea, ive gotten a hold on it so far. Bought some vinegar, so just a little goes a long way.
I have one plant doing an awesome job. And ill be installing my hanging sCrog screen tomoro,
also, i need to do my extensive research on topping, or LSt'ing tpo get the max yeild.
If yu have done it before let me know some stuff lol


Well-Known Member
So I'd really like to update everyone on the results so far, but Yahoo mail won't open my pictures.
Sooo...all I can say, is they are growing, rapidly, and I FIM'd the hydro plant today.
In the meantime, I'm going to try and figure out wtf is wrong with yahoo and hook yu guys up with some pics.
Peace love weed


Active Member
Hey man, looking like a good setup, I am identical, except 600w, And I don't use rockwool anymore because i hate it.

Your pH swings in the beginning I promise you were the rockwool (I don't see that you mentioned anywhere that you soaked it.) You NEED NEED NEED to soak cubes of rockwool in pH 5.0-5.5 water for a few hours at least before planting, because rockwool has a naturally HIGH pH. Also your rockwool looks all mashed up, don't be squeezing or poking it at all this collapses it and forces all water out and will kill roots where you squeeze it. Shake the water out after soaking, like you're going to throw the cube (But don't).

Good idea on the FIM, I top mine to get 4 tops, veg for 3 weeks or so then go into flower. This fills my 8 sq ft screen with two plants.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the help man.
I actually did soak my rockwool. For about a day in 5.3.
How long after yu FIM'd did it start to grow back.
Been two days, no real progress there. But I suppose that is due to te stress from cutting.
subscribed because i want to see how your dwc scrog comes out. next grow in april after this harvest im going to try dwc scrog. im doing a single 5 gallon dwc og kush right now...still need to get the hang of it.

but post updates. im interested. if you need any help feel free to pm me or ask.


Well-Known Member
Ok guys, finally got the pics to upload and be saved.
Lefty: Is lagging in growth because of the stress i induced when trying to calibrate pH level correctly, and transferring to soil, for security.
Righty: Is a f*#^ing BEAST! lol i know hydro grows a lot faster, and larger, but im still afraid the main reason it is growing like this, is because it is MALE. But we'll see..
Anyway, enjoy. Feel free to post questions, and i will answer.



Well-Known Member
Guys, do you think its time to go ahead and install my screen and begin weaving her through?
Her fanleaves are HUGE! i wanna cut a couple, to let the tops grow through..
IDK, help me out.
Im high, and headed to class.:hump:



Well-Known Member
Heres a little update for everyone who is watching.
The one in the soil is a fkn pussy or somethin.
It has like two budsites so far.

the one in DWC is a gdmn trooper! She shows no sign of slowing up.

Anyway, im thinking another week of veg and itll be ready. this wed will be the beginning of the 5th week in veg.:hump:



Well-Known Member
that looks good. dwc will grow fast..mine grew fast..soil will grow slow compared to you hydro..
Yea, i think i got the swing of things dealing with hydro.
So all my next grows indoor, will def be hydro.
Is the taste better than growing in soil? Or does all that fall on curing?


Well-Known Member
So I'm mainly focusing on the one on the right, obviously.
She doing great. The stress from bending and tieing seem to barely bother her.
Im weaving her in and out the given area to keep all the sites very close in order to achieve max yield.
Do yu think i will have a substantial yield, having a 400HPS glowing down on just one plant? Im hoping so..




Well-Known Member
Looking good...have they showed sex yet? Did ya take some clones?
Im pretty positive the one ive been weaving is a female.
I dont much care for the other plant. i believe it will be male.
No clones. i dont know if i would have enough time or supplies to produce a clone...if yu disagree, tell me what i would need to do. I do have an extra DWC bucket not being used...
What kind of yield could expect with a clone?
Do i just root it and leave it going where it left off on the lighting?


Well-Known Member
So ive pretty much given up on the lefty dude, all my time seems to go to the one on the left.
Furthermore, i seem to have one zip tie to tight, and actually snapped one stem, but it is still going and seems to be healing fast. i guess thats the rapid growth of hydro though.
Not to sure if i want to take a clone. We'll see.


looking nice im useing dwc also. check my page out and you will see im where you are at now lol . i started my 12/12 yesterday so i wish you the best of luck !1st time grower