2 questions

Hey alright,

1. Is it normal for the first 2 leaves of the plant to start yellowing near the end of vegetative stage?, the first ever leaves (seedling round leaves) have yellowed and gone crispy brown and now the second set of leaves which came out after these 2 are now yellowing, is this normal?

2. Are MH/HPS lights dangerous to your health?, can they age your skin and burn your eyes?, does anybody whos being using these bulbs for years know the answer?



Well-Known Member
1. Yes, depending on it's age and amount of growth.

2. No, they don't emit UV radiation like the sun.

Hope that helps.:blsmoke:

smokey mcsmokester

Well-Known Member
Those really arn't leaves, There called cotyledons and yes thats normal, Im not sure about the hps /mh with your skin, but Im sure if you stood under them at close range fully exposed for hours a day they could possibly cause skin problems...As for the eyes, yes they can damge your eyes if you look directly at them,I always wear sunglass except when im inspecting my buds....


I peel the cotyledons as soon as they start to curl up and wither. I usually clip the lower leaves throughout the vegetative stage or if leaves are hindering further growth up top I will clip them too. It promotes new growth by opening up more breathing space and light for the younger branches and flowering points. The leaves that need clipped are always obvious to the trained eye. They are usually curled, twisted and grow in a spindling fashion trying desperately to find air and light. I even clip the lower fan leaves when they start to hinder new branch growth. Usually, they will start to yellow or brown naturally at the bottom. It's the plants way of 'getting rid of the old to make way for the new'. So, when I see the yellowing start it gets clipped and it makes a tremendous difference in your end result.