2010 uk grow help plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

josh b

Well-Known Member
hey all

as i am growing outdoors this year and want to get my patch prepared now if i can i was wondering if you can help me.

do you think my plants will still bud an oz+ if they were grown in indirect sunlight because the woods where i am growing in is very shaded,except from a few patches.

thanks guys


Well-Known Member
sure!! its the sun!! even indirect lighting from the sun is better than any bulb besides the plasma sulpher shit!!
hi josh i would go for a place what had more direct sun light for a better yeild i done 10 big budda cheese last year 7 outside in the wild and 3 in a bk garden the ones in the back garden done realy well bein moved twice a day the ones in the wild were hard i lost 5 to thiefs wot had stumbled into them wilst doin what ever in the midle ov no were think they were found by people shooting or rabitin wiv ferrets due to some nets bein found near by and the last 2 only had 2 ounces dry witch is ok but the backgarden rewarded me with 18ounces dry off all 3 best ov luck and fingers crossed for a nice summer.............

josh b

Well-Known Member
yea thanks,they will be recieving about 4 hours of direct sunlight aswell so.......