Getting prepped for next year...this will be first outdoor grow, just wondering if anyone has soley relied on the weather for watering throughout the grow??m summer time here is sometimes not the driest.



Well-Known Member
Lol! I hope you are not expecting any good answers! It would be impossible for anyone to judge what your rain water is comprised of, or how often/how much collects annually. Knowing your location would be of great benefit to both yourself, and those who try to help you.

If water is the issue, I would use 2L bottles as reservoirs, plugged into the soil by each of your plants.

Depending on varied factors, this water should comfortably get you through a week, after which, I would hope you would visit your babies just to make sure all is golden!

Good luck.

Remember that you can always buy a large 50 gallon tank, filled with your nutrient enriched water, and have it near your grow area for easy access to water.


Well-Known Member
i think plants can normaly grow in the wild (not being a smart ass) i think it would really depend though on where you live, the soil, heat an other factors for your area. i would bet though that if you plant a clone that has vegged for a little it would have the roots an "stamina" to make it happen no matter what
U.K.....can you explain about the bottles? read somewhere about this. are they supposed to trickle into the soil?? water not the issue but sometimes away for long periods working. would like to know if anyone has just let them grow without bothering them


Well-Known Member
id assume you fill the bottles an jam them into the dirt upside down. you can always just throw out several clones in a cupple spots an not worry if some die.


Well-Known Member
The UK weather positively sucks, IMHO - too much rain!
I doubt you will be needing the bottles.
Regardless, to use them, all you need to do is fill em up, drill an 8mm hole into the cap, and put it, cap side first right into the soil near your plant.
It will leach water into the soil as and when it becomes necessary.

Again, depending on your more precise location, you may have constraints with soil and availability of light.

To combat soil issues, I would go to this grow area and excavate a hole in the ground with a volume of 5 - 10 gallons.

Start off your plants indoor, Veging for about 2 weeks under some cheap CFLs. This will give your plant that starter boost she needs.

Transplant into the hole you dug, filling with a good blended potting soil.
This will provide a more favourable medium for growth, as well as provide a good share of nutrients.

good luck once again!