2012 outdoor garden


Last year I decided to try something new. I constructed a "screen" for a row of plants I was growing. The strain was Sour Grapes, the row was about 13 feet long and had 7 plants in it, single file spaced about 2 feet apart. This row provided me the best meds out of the whole garden. The plants seemed to love the screen and the extra support it gave to the heavy flowering branches. With that said, this year I decided to plant 5 rows, 14 feet long with the plants planted single file. I took 8 foot 4x4 posts cut them in half and burried them 18 inches in the ground. I then took 2x4's and cut them into 36 inch lengths. I used these to put on the posts creating a "T", then I put a 2x4 from post to post to lay the screen on. This year I also decided to burry a watering line to each section. This is my favorite addition to the garden this year. I can use a pump run my teas through it as well when I water. I have a row of Gods Gift, OG Kush, 2 rows of Sour Grape and a row with 3 Green Crack plants and a 2 more plants (strain undecided)

