24_36 hours of darkness pre flower


Active Member
My fruend turned his lights off for 36 hours to teiggwr flower and i didn't ....i am now about 1.5 weeks into flower should i do it now or not


Well-Known Member
Nope, you don't need a dark period before flowering. It doesnt go dark for 24-36 hours in nature at the end of summer to start the flowering process. If you are on 12/12 you should be seeing pistils/balls at any point now.


Well-Known Member
Why would you turn the lights off 24-36 hours pre-flower to induce flowering? Flower is triggered by 12/12.. just wait until 12 hours after your 18/6 cycle finishes (assuming you're using 18/6 for veg) and then continue 12/12 until it's time for chop/dry/cure.. pretty simple.


Well-Known Member
12/12 will trigger flower just fine...these gimmicks are just that....gimmicks. a little patience and they will start to go, transition into sexual maturity takes time...thats exactly what the plants are doing when you flip to 12/12 some plants will gofaster than others...


Active Member
My clones are from his ....so we have.the same strans and it did help his for sure .....reason i didn't is just luke you said ....the sun don't turn off lol.....regardless it works


Well-Known Member
Agreed, a simple 12/12 flip after the 6 hrs off for the 18/6 is just fine - no need to add unnecessary stress to your ladies - if you have a strain that's finicky, you may just get unintended results and end up having to cull.. and that's not a good thing whatsoever.


Well-Known Member
There are people who say the dark period before flowering helps initiate the flowering process. It may be true. Really I don't know, I have never done it and I have had plants that showed sex 1 day after flipping and some that took 2 weeks to show after flipping (all from the same strain) so it is hard to say.

For instance my last batch, 4 females, all from the same seed pack... flipped on 2/8
2/11 first showed female. 2/17 last 2 plants showed female.


Well-Known Member
I always throw mine in 72hrs dark when flipping.. Recommended by the breeder. With that being said, I think the biggest determining factor on how fast they start is whether the plant is mature when the lights are changed. A mature plant will flip a lot faster than 1 that's not.


New Member
I think there is a hormone in cannabis that induces flowering but is destroyed by light. Which is why 6 hours of dark leaves them in veg because they don't have enough dark to build up the flowering hormone. So, giving it 2-3 days of darkness would let the plant produce more of that hormone.

When the lights finally do come back on, I don't really know what would happen at that point, but it seems plausible the extra hormones produced during the dark cycle may induce flowering a little earlier. I've never tried it and you would have to weigh the pros and cons of missing a couple days of light.


Active Member
May ''work'' to see flowering characteristics, but does NOT help at all, its onl stressing the plant, just cuz his showed sex before yours doesnt mean his is working better, YOU may have the better yield due to non stressing YOUR plant!!!!!! the only time to ''man control'' your lights un-naturally is during veg where you CAN run 24 hour lights( I do), but once flower is induced, 12/12 is the only lighting that is appropriate!!!!!
My clones are from his ....so we have.the same strans and it did help his for sure .....reason i didn't is just luke you said ....the sun don't turn off lol.....regardless it works


Well-Known Member
May ''work'' to see flowering characteristics, but does NOT help at all, its onl stressing the plant, just cuz his showed sex before yours doesnt mean his is working better, YOU may have the better yield due to non stressing YOUR plant!!!!!! the only time to ''man control'' your lights un-naturally is during veg where you CAN run 24 hour lights( I do), but once flower is induced, 12/12 is the only lighting that is appropriate!!!!!
Agreed with the above, if you wish to stress em.. go ahead, just don't bitch when they do what could come naturally and give you a few 100 seeds.