2nd grow. C'99 and Super Lemon Haze(feminized)


Well-Known Member
Love that Super Lemon Haze Simisimis! I have one that I just put into flower about a week ago. Can't wait to see more updates as that SLH matures.


Well-Known Member
Love that Super Lemon Haze Simisimis! I have one that I just put into flower about a week ago. Can't wait to see more updates as that SLH matures.
Well I do like SLH strong stem and the way it forms colas. I will know whether I like smoking it after a harvest I guess, but I am afraid that is not that sativa dominant as I expected, it looks like it has quite a lot of indica in it as well... Also its sensitivity towards nutes are something that causes me head pain everytime I need to water her.


Well-Known Member
ok, so saturday was the chop day of Cindies. Main plant was waayy less resinous than on my previous grow. But we will see how it will turn out in the end. here are main C99:
here is some pics of clone:

well not bad at all I would say if you compare 5 gallon pot to this:
clone got root bound but not that much as I expected...

so after trimming and manicuring here are some final pics:

well yield is quite small I would say, but, mistakes were done and lessons were learned, so hopefully will be more lucky next time.

oh and finally I decided to do some space brownies cooking:

such an easy to do thing, mixing all the ingredients, cooking for 15-20min and there you have it...
So I made 150g of cannabuter with 1.3g of C99 buds. Now I have to tell you guys that yesterday after eating 1 and a half of those brownies, after half of an hour I was laughing my ass off with my wife, and after 30min more I had to sit down to enjoy the visuals.. all furniture started moving around me lol. now this is what I call trippy... HOLY GRAIL..

Still waiting for any response from microkote, what wonders me most that they did not reply to any of my emails withing 10 days... hopefully will sort this thing out with them within 3-4 weeks when I will have to transplant my babies...


Well-Known Member
Boveda. Popped in one bag into my buds box yesterday. This morning when I checked on that box I could not believe, it really made some magic in there. The aroma of buds, difficult to describe, but so much better...

Also looking for CMH lamp now, cause I think GIB FS-HPS 150W was the reason why my plants went crazy with stretching.. thinking of this option

It's such a pity that things with Microkote did not go very well, two weeks of ignorance, 2 unanswered emails and zero reaction to the order I made... Will have to call them, but if they did not send it already, probably nothing much I am going to get from them.. I wonder if there is any alternatives to Microkote.

Other than that, waiting for the buds to dry, because of some rainy dais RH got up to 52%, maybe buds will dry a bit more evenly. Can't wait to get a toke on new Cindies.


Well-Known Member
arhhhhh.... frustration.. I went to my credit cards internet banking and saw that microkote refunded money back to my account... really??? after 11 days, ignoring two emails and just refunding money... is this really a way to treat somebody who went to their website and clicked buy button... i just kindly asked them about my order without any sign of being rude or cocky. probably it is too expensive for them to send it out of US, but common, you can write that in an email and ask to cover the postage cost, but not totally ignore a person and refund money without notifying about it... looks like my pots will not get any coating :/

Kite High

Well-Known Member
Hmmm odd. They were always very responsive to my inquiries. Apparently there must be some overseas shipping restraints but yes I agree they should have contacted you concerning it not just refund your money blindly. Apologies as I thought they would treat you as they have I.


Well-Known Member
yeah, it was 50% off and free shipping, also i ordered 1x 8oz bottle.. so probably was not worth the effort. anyway, simple - "sorry we can't" would have been nice to get... don't take it personally Kite, this no way was meant to you, you are not responsible for some companies behaviour. thanks for all those advices, and recommendations, i so much appreciate for ur input to my knowledge db!
by the way, maybe you know any alternatives to ths product? :) i will still try to get this one through my ex girlfriend, she's living in US.
i wonder if it's a right thing to ask her to get and resend a package to me, oh things i do for my babies :)))

Kite High

Well-Known Member
should be fine and thats a great idea...there is another branded Griffins Spinout but it is harder to find and even more costly


Well-Known Member
some update on SLH. Still fighting with her deficiencies and excess. Foxtailing at the upper part, bleaching on the lower, downward cupping in the middle. Argh... Gave today some feeding, a bit less of grow food, added some cal mag, liquid see weed. Will see how it will react. I made a mistake when I stopped adding camg after two weeks of watering. Plants need calcium and mg all the way through, especially with N excess. Some lower part pistils went amber already. Probably I should expect massive ambering some time soon. Today it's 58days into flowering. Here are some pics.


Well-Known Member
This weekend I was getting C99 from hanger to ice-cream boxes. Well main Cindy as expected yielded less than my last 148W cfl grow(40g). Will post pics when get back home. This time I got 1oz(28g) from main and 8g from the clone, yup, one root bounded stem managed to yield 2/7 of what 23 LSTed stems did. However this was 4 times more successful grow knowledge wise than my cfl grow. So nothing to be sad about..

Thanks Kite for your guidance! I appreciate it. Your like mj master Yoda.


Well-Known Member
today is 9 weeks and 1 day of flowering for SLH, lower part is mostly covered with brown pistils, main cola looks almost all white, some light brown pistils there and there.. now im still waiting for my pocket microscope to arrive so cannot really check on trichs, but i guess if hairs are white, resin is not very likely to degrade into ambient.. Any recommended chop day for SLH? will try to take some clear pics tonight


Well-Known Member
SLH... started smelling some sweet, some citrus. Quite nice smell I can say, although a bit too thick and dense... Also in one day it really gained a lot of brown hair. Main cola is actually very beautiful and very top is still covered with white pistils, so I guess she is still gaining some weight. also there are 2 more quite big colas, I'm really surprised how everything turned out, due to my constant fight with her picky character... Very difficult to take pics, have to move a lot of things around so I could get close to her and under hps is very poor quality, but if I turn it off, then difficult to see anything. Anyway, this is a best I could do:
1st pic is main cola. 2nd main cola very top. 3rd main cola with 2 other bigger buds. 4th whole pic of the plant. 5th is lover branch bud(more brownish pistils)


Well-Known Member
hm.. good question... with my 45x magnifying glass I don't understand whether they are clear or milky... they do not look any amber however..

Kite High

Well-Known Member
good cause amber is not advisable...being a sat dom 20-30-% cloudy the rest clear and capistate heads swollen chop



Well-Known Member
OK, so reading your post I googled for some milky, clear and amber trichs to visualize better I went to my grow room and did more detail observation. I put that glass like one inch from my eye, got as close as possible to the resin glands and while keeping the glass near my eye I was moving head back and forward to see clear view. Now this is what I saw:

I was not looking at fan leaves at all.
if I take into consideration only bud without any small leaves coming out from buds, then I have like 40-50milky the rest is clear. Found less than 1% amber trichs, wayyyyy less... but if I take into consideration those small leaves coming out of bud, then I have like 20% of milky, the rest is clear.

So I kind of have a feeling that I can chop SLH tomorrow alr? what do you think?