2nd Grow; First Journal


Well-Known Member
Well, i tried to do it at first but they were going so slowly until i hooked up the HPS and transplanted.

Then i kind of got nervous and just wanted to let them grow, so i decided i would top one of them and let the others grow normally. The technique in the book was for topping, but it didnt go into that well of detail, so i found another link on here that seemed to be better for me.
Cool thanks for the info.
I was just looking at the drawn diagrams and it just looked unusual to me is all.
Keep doing what you are doing cause they look great.


Well-Known Member
Here are some pics from day 53 (today) I will probably take a few cuttings in the next few days will try and document it. I'm going to attempt to root them, then give them to a buddy. for a hydro system.

I took a my tallest and my topped plant out and took some pictures with out the HPS, and some pistils.

wont be too long till them buds start coming :)



Well-Known Member
Ugh, gf wants me to get rid of 3 of them. this week is going to suck.
Maybe if you hang a piece of mylar from the center of the light and put some on the back side she will think they are gone?
lol, just a thought Heh, that does suck I say get a new GF (j/k)
I am so lucky my wife is understanding of my "hobbies"


Well-Known Member
Alright, its been awhile since i posted in this.

I settled with 3 plants, i gave 2 of them to a buddy of mine, unfortunately lol, but i dont even think i could have fit 5 of them in there with proper amount of spacing.

I bought some Big Bloom from Foxfarm and i've used it during two waterings now, and they seem to love it.

Its roughly 2 weeks into bud and here are a few pictures, i will try and document a little more now that the real fun has started.

I'm now wishing i would have topped them all, they look stretched and they are bigger and lankier, but they will fill out nicely. i'm shooting for 5-6 Oz which i got off two plants last time, w/o any nuts.

I'm gonna try and get some pictures tonight with the light off.

thanks for stoppin by :joint: :joint: smoke some


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Well-Known Member
Oh yeah here we go, so pics with the light off.. mmm cant wait another few short weeks. (5-6)
i'm stoned :)



Well-Known Member
Man what a nice grow you have going.
Maybe the GF knew something we didn't?
There seems to be a shortage of room under that HPS
with the others in there it would have been real crowded.
Plants are looking exceptional dude keep up the great work


Well-Known Member
oh yeah, it would have been real crowded, i am kind of having minor problems on lighting, my closest it a long closet, not deep obviously. so i am having problems getting them under the light completely w/o burning the two taller ones. then i have the pole that goes across the whole closet which if i remove i have nothing for all my clothes on the other side of the closet LOL. and i don't want that bar blocking most of the light, so we'll see i will probably be changing it up a little bit.

you can see i got it ghetto rigged (my light) with a chop stick from my clothes pole to my chain on the light....i am disappointed with myself LOL.

I think the only way they all (5) would fit nicely is if i " lollipoped " them.
thanks for stopping by alto.


Well-Known Member
On my topped plant, i tied two lines of fishing line to the colas and tacked them against my wall to "spread'' them apart so the lower ones get more lighting.

I'm gonna take a pic of just the topped one alone, she is my pride and joy :)


Well-Known Member
Shit is look in sharp brotha. Just got finished reading your journal. Must feel nice. Almost there, when you gonna put them to rest? I got at least two months left, but I am pluggin right along. Lookin good though, I also topped some and left some alone. But nice grow. I'll be in touch.


Well-Known Member
hey thanks for stopping in,

i'm looking at another 4-6 weeks or so, obviously ill let my tric's tell me when they're ready, but i'm getting excited to have some of my own smoke again, and this time it should only be better, better genetics and more knowledge this time around.


Well-Known Member
I heard that. That's exactly why I'm already planning my second grow! Gonna go real stealth this time, and it's gonna be sweet. I already have learned so much, and am so ready to put my lil knowledge to the test. I believe all of my errors were made early on. I have acquired so much knowledge to date, that it's only right to assume my next grow is gonna be the shizzy. Ya dig? I'll be tuned. Peace


Well-Known Member
Looking good man
buds are filling in well.
always nice to see that happen when your still that far out from harvest. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
another 3-4 weeks and they're just getting thicker. did a little rearranging today, elevated my topped plant so its closer to the light.

for some reason, my big sugar/water leafs, w/e they're called, have been dying out on me, everything else looks real healthy but they keep dying, oh well.

my buds almost look like this really sweet organic blueberry i get, and i got my seeds from the same guy, they were mixed group of seed so i picked out the big fatty ones with the dark stripes in them. all the buds look the same, as far as the strains go.

heres a some pictures enjoy!



Well-Known Member
nice looking plants u have there
ur nugs should fatten up nicely

lookin forward 2 the smoke report dude

love the pics tho


Well-Known Member
Sup aeroman, thanks for stopping in and enjoying the eye candy.

The smoke report is going to be the shit!, i can't wait - it will be good no matter what, but hopefully these be some tasty bitches.