3rd grow ,1st journal bubblicious cfl/LED


Active Member
Very nice!! They girls are looking amazing, waiting for them to finish is the hardest thing ever!! Gonna be in ganja heaven when those babies get the chop! I 'specially love the way they look under those purple lights haha! Are you likin' the grow tent? I have been debating between converting the closet the old fashioned way and just grabbing a tent for the convenience, are they worth the cost? Looks like you're gettin pretty awesome results from it hehe :-P
I live on a small island and everybody stops by on boat or by front door randomly and house is frequently opened up I'm stuck to my bedroom and they are old bi folding doors to closet so I had to get a tent that fit a space in the closet. It's worked out real good with the first one. The new tent I'm using for veg is a lighthouse hydro and the zippers kind of suck. And I paid 75.00 for it. Where as my big tent I paid 65 and its held up good for almost a year now

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Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
I live on a small island and everybody stops by on boat or by front door randomly and house is frequently opened up I'm stuck to my bedroom and they are old bi folding doors to closet so I had to get a tent that fit a space in the closet. It's worked out real good with the first one. The new tent I'm using for veg is a lighthouse hydro and the zippers kind of suck. And I paid 75.00 for it. Where as my big tent I paid 65 and its held up good for almost a year now

Sent from my PC36100 using Rollitup mobile app
For real, I have never been more jealous hehehe :bigjoint:


Active Member
Flower day 24... 1392533394269.jpg crazy shit happening under the floor below my tent.. out of all spots in my house the water pipe is busted underneath my tent in the bedroom closet. Shits all moved around and just plain stupid. But the girls still push on through! This is the bubbleicious with sativa pheneotypes1392533487135.jpg
And here's the indica phenotype one!1392533551781.jpg and a lil more fun for the iris1392533711511.jpg


Active Member
Flower Day 27, tomorrow is 4wks! With 4 maybe more to go. Had a nute burn so I flushed today but I was due for a watering anyway. I'm sure those leaves will green back up. I kind of defeated the purpose with my scrog I believe everythings a lil higher above the screen then I hoped for. Oh well next time I try ill get it.1392785446292.jpg But the Bubblicious with the indica phenotype is fattening up(left side of picture). I think the other bubbleicious with the sativa phenotype(right side) is goin to be 5 weeks its got a lot more bud growth to go....hopefully.
1392785295119.jpg and here is my veg tent with my main lined Papaya in 5gal and a bubblecious clone in back(from sativa pheno) and a random bagseed I popped for fun in the front? 1392785630184.jpg


Well-Known Member
plenty read, fell asleep yesterday b4 I could post anything lol. loving that canopy. how many tops are you going for with the papaya?


Active Member
Flower day 36!!! So been busy, and the girls looked like they had Ben whored out in Vegas and strung out on crack for three days in the same hotel room that Sars probably began. Basically they looked like shit. I got twelve different answers from everybody about what to do in their condition. So instead I blasted them with full nutes more cal mag and hoped for the best...two days later they are fatter and getting better. Here they are....1393518485175.jpg1393518496220.jpg l same strain two different plants. one totally indica one defiantley sativa..1393518573722.jpg Bubbleicious with indica pheno..1393518673796.jpg1393518700625.jpg1393518713752.jpg1393518744867.jpg bubbleicious with sativa pheno..1393518820104.jpg1393518836656.jpg1393518852612.jpg..... and last we have Fruity Chronic Juice(yellow) and Power Flower(green) ready to put in some solo cups after two days in the propagater. These were freebies from herbies so just for fun really. Check out that tap root blast in out the side!1393519059569.jpg anyway my collie friends that it for today. Ill update when everything looks better or grows bigger much love. Let me know what y'all think! Stay irie.......those guys below are the sativa pheno too sorry



Active Member
Day39 flower. Happy Sunday the sun is shinning and the weather is sweet. Here's a few pics for fun and joy and some pics that are out in the wilderness along my two hour journey to my future grow spot this summer. 1393785112129.jpg

1393785124062.jpgView attachment 30109671393785205149.jpg


Active Member
Flower day 43- things have been up and down in the last couple weeks with these mamasitas, Pero con Pequito mas tiempo they should finish. TRich's are all about milky. The more sativa lookin bu bbleicious mite need a couple more weeks still. Anyway here they are most colas are a lil longer then beer bottles! Im excited to finish up and get some other projects in flower as well! STAY IRIE NO AMIGOS1394131823108.jpg1394131841108.jpg1394131851800.jpg1394131862285.jpg


Well-Known Member
looking pretty awesome to me, i think u need a few more weeks for the buds to fatten up, but they are looking very pretty


Active Member
Right on. Yea I have heard crazy shit about them. Ive got one clone of my more sativa pheno one, and she is grow in fast, otherwise I've got three fem seeds left ill pop in the future. Have you tried any other nirvana strains?


Active Member
Flower day 61 Hey hey been awhile. Hopes y'all been irie. The girls a nearing the end I believe. Well the indica pheno one, but the sativa looking bubbleicious needs more time fosho. Anxious but I cant cut her down at all yet. Ive got lots of other gardening goin and growin. My worm bin is runnin as well. Here is the indica like bubble.1395680048597.jpg1395680062367.jpg1395680080474.jpg
Here is one quick of the sativa pheno1395680123205.jpg
And here is some shots from the garden stuff1395680178367.jpg1395680196382.jpg1395680265344.jpg1395680280447.jpg ok irie body hope Jah Bless

