3rd grow ,1st journal bubblicious cfl/LED


Active Member
Hey iriebody this is my 3rd grow. I've been using coco coir on all three and cfl lights but w ill be switching to LED at some point in the grow. Here's the run down -2 Bubbleicious fems from Nirvana- 2ft 4tube t5 lights-GH flora serious nutes and GH rapid start rooting. Here are a couple pictures of my curent grow and ill post a few older pics as we get going. Gonna need everybody's help and opinions along the way thanks. Please follow we will have a good time!
P.s. you can see it appeats I have a mag cal issue now I flushed today with a ph of 6.5 I had been watering at about 5.8 before



Well-Known Member
your led unit is way to close, they need to be at least a foot above the canopy for the plants to receive light from all the different colored spectrums of bulbs


Active Member
That's my t5 cfl light. Ill be switching to and led in the joutney of this grow. But I have been reading that most led units should be like foot and a half away. Does that sound right?


Well-Known Member
those plants look really good! keep it up!! i am a cfl grower and will be using led for the first time on my current grow. im subbed, i wanna see where you take this!! id leave them under the t5 setup for all of veg since you are LSTing them, and use the led for flower. just my .02 i like the way flos veg plats.


Well-Known Member
wow that looks like it turned out really well! thats a sweet DIY screen you made there. awesome! i think i mat steal that idea from you for my next grow.


Active Member
Defiantly it was like$20 to build. You gotta figure out a crazy weave pattern through the eye hooks though to keep the strings tight. And if you use pvc pipe u can cut it to fit any tent no problem


Active Member
Watered yesterday with ph around 6.5 to try and put some green back into my girls
. They've been growin a little slower then Id like them to but I haven't given them nutes yet on account they were strugglin a bit. So on a few days we'll get them some vitamins. I have a Papaya fem seed from Nirvana that's sprouted ready to transfer out of the propagator before it stretches to much. These pictures are a day and a half apart. So as you can see these propagators are the beeze neeze!!!



Well-Known Member
Watered yesterday with ph around 6.5 to try and put some green back into my girls
. They've been growin a little slower then Id like them to but I haven't given them nutes yet on account they were strugglin a bit. So on a few days we'll get them some vitamins. I have a Papaya fem seed from Nirvana that's sprouted ready to transfer out of the propagator before it stretches to much. These pictures are a day and a half apart. So as you can see these propagators are the beeze neeze!!!
woooo what the hell that second pic looks like a snake lol. repot it and bury that stem.


Active Member
Relax bruddahs, put you pandora stations on Slightly Stoopid or Marvin Gaye and tomorrow the nina PAyapa be swimmin in coco coir!


Active Member
Got wasted yesterday so took one picture of the papaya seedlimg yesterday after potting it. And one of it today she's growing fast. The two sister bubblicious are doing good. One better then the other. They seem like they are goin to be bushy as fuck so greatbfor a scrog!. Here it is today. Stay irie



Active Member
I Wanna get an LED asap for my small tent with three plants tops. I've been thinking about the pro grow 260 or any other suggestions please


New Member
Most are going to be from China so no matter what there all going to be about the same only unless you do your research. If you want the good ones, it will cost you. Just my two cents (the more you input, the better output)


Active Member
Yes I've been doing to much research every time I narrow it down to one I find abunch of bad reviews. Money isn't the issue its tha t even the good exensive ones I hear some bullshit on. Just wanna get the best bang for my buck for a small light to cover three plants


Well-Known Member
Wow they are looking really nice! And that's a perfect start to lst BTw. Keep em comin as they grow. I've seen some nice led panels on californialightworks.com. USA made. Better Quality Control than the Chinese versions. Just a thought


Active Member
Wow they are looking really nice! And that's a perfect start to lst BTw. Keep em comin as they grow. I've seen some nice led panels on californialightworks.com. USA made. Better Quality Control than the Chinese versions. . yeah if I get those 4 main bud sites pinned down and let them stretch I can fill that scrog good. And I've checked out those california lights before too they have done some solid grows