3rd week of budding prob. help!!


Active Member
i am growing outdoors in pots using miracle grow soil with heavy harvest as a nutrient. i have had no issues with the plants other than one of them on the very top on the main stalk looks like it is getting burnt even some of the younger leaves around the top bud are changing color curling and dying. now it has started to do the same on the ends of other branches. some other tops on the plant look great though. i am in the 3rd week of budding and just started using small doses of bud blood. help me so this doesnt get any worse.


Active Member
every 3-4 days and it just poured like 4inches the other day but i have drain holes in the bottom of the pots


Active Member
it gets about 80 sometimes during the day and down around 60 in the evening it looks like it is getting worse.the leaves start turning inside out and then brown and crunchy some branches look great and unaffected but the top main stalk mostly and a random few branches are being effected


Active Member
At 80 degrees it should be burning. Being the 3rd week of budding you dont have a lot of time to experiment but I'd cut the affected leaves and do just water for a week to 10 days if it still comes back you can rule out the nutes.
Are you in pots outside or right in the dirt? If you can rule out the nutes maybe consider moving them (if in pots). This could also be a symptom of a root-bound plant, is the container big enough to support the root system?


Active Member
yes they are in pots about the equivalent of 6 gallon buckets, i was thinkin that maybe i dont have enough holes drilled in the bottom?????