4 bulbs, 1 dream.


Well-Known Member
Absolute first grow ever. But I think I can handle a damn plant for chrissakes. (insert brush shoulders off here) 4 days old, started w 2 2700's, switched to 2 6500k's, went to home depot to buy 2 socket splitters and 2 more 6500's, unfortunately the highest watt I could find were the 27w. 4 bulbs on (HER MAYBE) so far for about 1 day. I got these lights real close, Im talkin like 2 inches off on 2 of em and the overhagers are like 4 -5 off I think....got 1 aquarays? 3 foot? 20watt flouro strapped to my wall. I dont have it juicing yet, I wonder if it will do anything for the plant.

Learned all I know'd from RIU. Awesome. Having fun' this is great and gives me something to do. I burned the plant real nice on one side from a lil hint of 15-30-15 I mixed in. Using tap water and my aquarium bubbler aerator for 3 days, mixed in some aquarium water, salt, 10-30-15 I'm talkin' like a pinky finger dip full pinch and goin for the gold. haha.

But I burned it. I hope she makes it. Updates soon.



Well-Known Member
if your unsure of the bagseed you may want to plant more than 1 incase that 1 is male... good start what is your setup?


Well-Known Member
dat1kid: if your unsure of the bagseed you may want to plant more than 1 incase that 1 is male... good start what is your setup?


Well-Known Member
i have about 10 seedlings in a small enclosure 2x2x2 3 42 watt cfl's. 2 fans 1 intake 1 exhaust. i used promix from local nursery floro-micro-grow as fertz. your doing good so far im a little behind u because of 1 of my mothers died my first indoor grow im only experimenting.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys and girls.

Well, out of this sack of SOME BOMB shizz that put me on my ass I only got 1 bean. Its getting a lil bigger lately. I 've got 24hr lights on her cause I dont have a timer YET. but I keep checking goodwill stores for one but everyone seems to want a timer haha.

I have updates for you guys but my girl is sleeping and the cam in the room dam.

Tommorow I'll upload.

I see 2 things jutting out the sides but Im no pro at sexing. Maybe you guys can help me, it probly needs more time to tell, but Im not an expert on this stuff so I hope one of you guys could chime in. I only say that because I thought I seen one dude say it will show sex eventually sometime, doesnt have to be 12/12 to show sex but maybe im wrong.


2 questions please if you be so kind to answer me Id be so grateful.

1. Can I pick male seeds incase this turns out to be male?

2. or do "good" seeds only come from pollenized females after they been in touch with males?


Well-Known Member

Are my lights too close? I put 4 cds together with duct tape on the back and made a poor mans light canopy.

I am only wondering if, I need to place my lights HIGHER so that I force the plant to strech HIGHER under CFL's, to give more light, and space to the lower branches? Or am I doing fine cause its still young? does that make sense to you?

Or just leave the lights low because I dont have much watts, and due to the fact the plant will EVENTUALLY mature, it just takes longer?

I know its a lil young, but it looks big to me...and Ive got some more reading to do about calyxs? pistils, and stipules to really understand my plant sex.

Thanks folks....please comment I dont care what it is. And I wont jump throats for spelling cause I suck at spelling and this isnt a spelling class so please mess up your words and english as much as you can so I can know in my heart that you are a genuine human being and you are not trying to be perfection.

^^^^ This pic is the FIRST NODE right?^^ so I need to wait until 3 or 4 more NODES develop higher before I see the hairs right? SO what Ive read is that from this first point of the NODE, I won't be able to tell sex from plant age, and based on this node alone right? I have to wait for 3 or 4 more to develop? And/or put on 12/12......right....?


Well-Known Member
dont do the nutes if there still young might kill em as for amount half tsp in gallon water usaly suffices


Well-Known Member
im sorry i might have the tsp and tblsp mixed up ill check for you but yea you dont need that heavey of a concerntration of nutes deffintly a possiblity also light might be burning leaves whati do is i place a small calibuur fan right on top of my cfl lights i only use them to start seedlings off btw and the blwo directly down on the lights to keep it cool and i can have the light practly touching the leaves that way i get themost out of cfls but i think most people would tell you the same dont add nutes yet way to early youll killthe plants usaly they done need nutes until you trans plant and you can tell when they need them as they show tell tell sighns go under newwbie central do a little reading itll tell you whats up


Well-Known Member
but it loks liek your setup fan is great same concept will also strenghten plant stem which in turn makes it beaffier which alsows the xylem and phloem tubes to enlarge and make it possible for them to carry larger amounts of sugars to leaves which promotes photosynthesis (its a process incase you dnt know) which gets you bigger denser nuggies :D


Well-Known Member
Yes, thanks for the help man.

I didnt mean to jump your throat on the kind mention of what size to use for nutes, im not sure sometimes how people read my posts sometimes when Im the poster so I wanted to say thanks for the info your giving me on here.

And yes I believe the fan is doing great job. The plant is kinda waving in the wind, but I think it said to me it likes it ha.

I lifted my lights a lil higher now its slightly older maybe it will grow faster cause I think by keeping the cfl's so close, I think its keeping my plant short?

I need some stretch man! it seems like its too short for its age but maybe Im just rushing it?

Ill update again soon! Thanks guys.

But please if you have a second, could you please answer 2 questions I have

1. If I can pick Male plant Seeds? My friend says no, I have to use Female seeds for the "good" plant but I dont believe him.

2. Should I move my lights HIGHER so my plant actually grows or should I learn that on my own?


Active Member
No- don't move the lights higher. The closer the better... you don't want the plant to stretch too much in its veg stages. It will stretch plenty when it flowers. You can only use the female plants to smoke... males won't get you anything and will just seed your females, so you'll want to destroy them at first site of the pollen sacks. You can use any seeds you want, but once the males show after you put them on 12/12 for flower, you'll need to get rid of them for a seedless grow (unless you WANT seeds to continue to grow, in which case male it up).

You're probably overdoing it on the nutes. The plants are still very young- for any seedlings be they mj or tomatoes, for the first few weeks you should be using a very dilute solution if at all. If you nute burn the plants, it may stress them out (I understand that stressed out plants may turn male). At most use 1/4 tsp. or less per gallon. Putting a 1/4 tsp. in a 2 liter bottle is still a bit too strong for a 1-2 week old plant.

Happy growing.


Well-Known Member
Thank you.

Yes, I moved my lights back down a couple days ago, I had it up to 6 inches off, but I noticed it curling a lil bit like it wanted to light back.

So I lowered them back to around 2 inches just now. I think that should be better and Ill just try to keep them close throughout.

Im just sayin if I can pick seeds if its male cause if it turns out to be, I would like to do some pickin.

Thank you, and yes I have been using high nute concentration I believe compared to what you guys have suggested, and compared to what Ive read. But I also run it under water to dlute a wee bit more after I mix in a pinch. Im talkin a small pinch of fertz not much, that I put in this lil plastic rubbermaid bin for my water.

Y'know that lil green spoon they give you in the fert box, well, I scoop like a 1/4 of fert in that, then I put in my aerated water that sitting for 4 days to drain the chlorine, and mix in a small pinch of fertz, then let it bubble for a day, put in 4-5 shakes of salt from my salt shaker, and 50ml of aquarium water.


Well-Known Member
the only way to get for sure female seeds is from seedbanks that carry feminized seed. but your bud comes from female's only males produce the pollen for breeding just like our nuts and female eggs you cant make seed with out both of them since im sure ur just wanting smoke. make sure u plant more than 1 seed at a time


Well-Known Member
Please, Im so confused.

So the little balls that MALES grow, are NOT seeds useful to grow?

is that right?

What I am asking is, if this plant is indeed male, will useful seeds grow from his balls that I can use to grow more plants?

Yes I seen Nirvana shop. I think when I get 50 bucks I will order some from them.

Can anybody please suggest an easy to moderate strain to grow?

Thank you.


Well-Known Member
It's like people, you need a dude and a chick to make viable seeds. If yours turns out to be a male you won't have smokeable bud or seeds. You should think about cloning right before you flower so you have another plant or two if it turns out female.


Well-Known Member
so to clarify for you man males do not produce seeds only pollen sacks wich relase pollen into the air which float over to your FEMAELs and gets stuck on the pitsils( the white hairs) and they do some funky chicken dance and about 8 weeks later you ahve seeds wala ina a nutchell