4 Plants Lost all Fan Leaves... Now What?

So I screwed up, dehydrated one box of my 4 best plants, and damn near every single one of the fan leaves is limp, hanging dry and dead. The plant was 3 weeks into flowering, and the hairs still look nice, but there's pretty well no leaves to support nug growth. Should I just chop it down and accept it as personal smoke to hold me over, or should I keep supporting them in the hope that some leaves will miraculously regrow or something? What's the handling method for this shitty scenario? It smells like dead plant in my room :( at least there's 7 more there for when the time comes.


Take pictures if you can, they might not be 'dead'. In a scenario like this, if the plants truly died, then all you really can do is chop it down.

But, let's be sure that they are in fact 'dead'.
Upload pictures as soon as you can.


Well-Known Member
I've seen grows rebound, try misting the leaves every time they dry off if they don't perk up the plants are goners and you may as well get rid of them and move on.