4 weeks old, how much bigger will they get?


I'm a newbie. My first girl. She's been flowering for right around 4 weeks now. they get about 7 hours of light a day. I'm in the mountains at about 2600 ft. Talking to some friends they usually have to harvest end of September-Mid October. Will these buds maybe double in size?:confused: Lost a couple lower branches that were heavy due to wind. Those little buds work well now,,,come on Octoberbongsmilie



Active Member
yes but its hard to tell on an outdoor grow.there are alot of variables.Id say they will definetly get bigger than that.my widow is at 3 weeks and they arent nearly that big quite yet


Well-Known Member
DEFF will get bigger it has to form buds / fill in , and 4 weeks flower? i dont think so maybe 2 ? or 1 and a half deff not 4 weeks tho you dont start counting flowering when pistils show it goes preflowering for about 2 weeks or so then flowering , and not only will the buds get bigger the plant will double maybe even triple in size in flowering


Well-Known Member
Hopefully you have enough time to finish it.. that thing looks like it just started to flower, what strain is it?


My outdoors are just about 3 weeks into flower and look about the same as yours! Those will never finish in 3-4 weeks! Looks like about 6-8 weeks out! Where are you located? Might have to put in buckets and bring in under lights for 2-3 weeks @ 12/12


Let's say 4 weeks ago little pods with the "white hairs" started to form. With in the last 2 weeks the buds got bigger. I am only guessing. I wish I knew the strain. The stems on some of the main leaves started turning purple 3 weeks ago. Now the little hairs are turning purple as well. Don't know if the picture is that clear. Out of stash now so it's hard to resit trying


Well-Known Member
PULL YOUR SELF BACK lol dont touch that plant sir! you'll regret it in the end !!!! and theres probably no thc anyway till atleast 4th week flower, if little white hairs showed that long ago it was staring pre-flower and probably took two weeks or 3 till they got bigger and its just starting flowering so wait a bit , mines at the end of its 3rd well sept 2nd now its the 4th day into the 3rd week tomorrow the 5th day in , and the purple is nothing to worry about just genetics or environment , etc, hope i could help : )


Well-Known Member
this plant still has another 4-6 weeks trust methe wait will be well worth it when those buds are as big around as a coke bottle. a good rule of thumb is 8-12 weeks depending on strain from the time you start seeng white hairs.


Well-Known Member
not really from when you see hairs ;-) you gotta wait a bit after pre-flowering ! growth slows down for a few weeks !