400 watt HPS bulb?


I need to buy a couple 400 watt HPS bulbs. I am using digital ballast i know digilux is the way to go but don't want to spend $70 per bulb. What other bulbs are there that are good and work well with digital ballast? If you have any suggestions please let me know Thanks


Well-Known Member
I run standard off the shelf GE 400 MH bulbs for veg. They are around $25 and they work just fine. I'm sure a $70 bulb may be a tiny bit better but not for the money. Its only veg after all.


bud bootlegger
i have a digital ballast, and i blew my first hps bulb, it was a $100 eye hortilux at that.. now. i'm only sticking with digilux and i have also heard good things about sunpulse.. sunpulse are mh's that are made for digital ballasts.. i know you said you don't need a mh, but these bulbs come in all different k ratings and you just pick the k that you need for that stage of growth.. i have heard some really good things about these bulbs, and think that is the way i'm going to be going in the future when the funds are there... i used an mh bulb for flowering in this grow, and i have to say, i think you get much better resin production from mh's than you do with hps bulbs do to the increase in uv light output from mh's..


i have a digital ballast, and i blew my first hps bulb, it was a $100 eye hortilux at that.. now. i'm only sticking with digilux and i have also heard good things about sunpulse.. sunpulse are mh's that are made for digital ballasts.. i know you said you don't need a mh, but these bulbs come in all different k ratings and you just pick the k that you need for that stage of growth.. i have heard some really good things about these bulbs, and think that is the way i'm going to be going in the future when the funds are there... i used an mh bulb for flowering in this grow, and i have to say, i think you get much better resin production from mh's than you do with hps bulbs do to the increase in uv light output from mh's..
Hmm... well thanks i will have to look them bulbs up. Where did u find them?


bud bootlegger
funny you should ask, lol.. i was going to put the link in my last post, but i wasn't sure if you'd be interested in them or not.. they are far from cheap, that is for sure, but the way i look at it, i'd rather spend the money on a bulb i'm fairly sure won't burn out on my anytime soon opposed to dropping $100 for one that lasted me under two months as that adds up quickly, lol..
here's the link for you m8...

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
id buy a hortilux..i got a 600 SHPS and i love it..pricey but good

one bulb id stay clear of is the GE Lucolux ...mine made high pitch sqealing noises and the spectrum was poop


bud bootlegger
id buy a hortilux..i got a 600 SHPS and i love it..pricey but good

one bulb id stay clear of is the GE Lucolux ...mine made high pitch sqealing noises and the spectrum was poop
r u running the eyes in the digital ballast dizzle?? if so, which brand of ballast?? i had just purchased a brand new hortilux enhance blue bulb for this grow, and in under two months it had blown out on me, my first blow out although i've just recently started to use a digital ballast.. i run a galaxy digital ballast ...


Well-Known Member
oops, sorry about that. I would stay away from hortillux for digital they are known to have issues. All I can say is don't skimp on your hps bulb. I mean, do you want lots of good buds or don't you. eat ramen for a week if you have to. I just bought 6 digilux 600's for $379 shipped to my door. horticulture bulbs or something was the website.

Cheap HPS = cheap buds. That is just the way nit is

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
r u running the eyes in the digital ballast dizzle?? if so, which brand of ballast?? i had just purchased a brand new hortilux enhance blue bulb for this grow, and in under two months it had blown out on me, my first blow out although i've just recently started to use a digital ballast.. i run a galaxy digital ballast ...
i also have a Galaxy 600 (non dimmable) ....the ballast is awesome...i did actualy wonder if the Lucolux wasnt digital ready and thats why it gave me problems. i know there is some compatiblity issues with some bulbs/ballasts...but maybe you got a bad lamp? i jus got this one a few weeks ago..i hope mine dont blow to.

I looked at the enhanced blue to..but opted for the Super HPS


bud bootlegger
i've also heard good things about this i think it's a japanese company... i always screw up their name so i stay away from recommending them soley for that reason..
they are the same brand of lights that i hear that mercedes benz uses in all of their cars... something along the lines of ushiyo or ushio, i'm not exactly sure like i've said, but they are supposed to be made for digital ballast the way that the diglux's are..

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
i've also heard good things about this i think it's a japanese company... i always screw up their name so i stay away from recommending them soley for that reason..
they are the same brand of lights that i hear that mercedes benz uses in all of their cars... something along the lines of ushiyo or ushio, i'm not exactly sure like i've said, but they are supposed to be made for digital ballast the way that the diglux's are..
Ushio i think it is....ive heard pretty good things about those to...one of my buddies raves about em all the time

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
ok, glad someone knew watt i was talking about, lol, and yah, i've heard pretty much the same things about those bulbs as well..
i contimplated buying one...but i didnt have the time to wait to oreder it..my hydro guy doesnt carry em....ill buy one next time tho to try it out...i think there about $20 cheaper than the EYEs


Well-Known Member
I ran Ushios for almost a year. Very good bulbs and no problems with the digital ballasts. I just decided to give the digilux bulbs a try as they have more output in the blue range.

AS far as bulbs that do fine with digital ballasts I have heard sunpulse, digilux and ushio I'm sure their are others horitlux are the only ones I have heard that consistently have problems.


bud bootlegger
i contimplated buying one...but i didnt have the time to wait to oreder it..my hydro guy doesnt carry em....ill buy one next time tho to try it out...i think there about $20 cheaper than the EYEs
nice.. yah, my hydro guy doesn't carry a ton of stuff, but he does carry eye's and digilux now as well as some of the cheaper ge's and a few others as well.. i just ordered a new digilux after my EYE blew out on me, and not i don't really want it and would rather check out some of those sunpulse bulbs instead... i love the fact that you can pretty much fine tune your grow with the different spectrums that they off, it's almost like some of the same benefits that you get from using cfl's..

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
I ran Ushios for almost a year. Very good bulbs and no problems with the digital ballasts. I just decided to give the digilux bulbs a try as they have more output in the blue range.

AS far as bulbs that do fine with digital ballasts I have heard sunpulse, digilux and ushio I'm sure their are others horitlux are the only ones I have heard that consistently have problems.
thanks for the tips Leg..i liek first hand intel ! :)

nice.. yah, my hydro guy doesn't carry a ton of stuff, but he does carry eye's and digilux now as well as some of the cheaper ge's and a few others as well.. i just ordered a new digilux after my EYE blew out on me, and not i don't really want it and would rather check out some of those sunpulse bulbs instead... i love the fact that you can pretty much fine tune your grow with the different spectrums that they off, it's almost like some of the same benefits that you get from using cfl's..
Yeah its kewl as fuck that you can control the spectrums now.....the reason i went EYE was cuz i got tired of seeing other growers pulling off mad numbers with Horti's ...Flo Grows C99 grow was fucking rediculous lol 9 zips on a 400 EYE....i used to think the more lumens the better...the last bulb put out 92000 but i had to run it 20" from the canopy or it bleached my gear...i can run the Horti 15-16" away and no bleaching..my plants have never been so stacked before....now i see were the yields come from with these bulbs


Well-Known Member
I think you can score the ushios super reds for like $65 on feebay.

IMO opinion; growing marijuana, cfl, and advantage don't belong in the same sentence.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
I think you can score the ushios super reds for like $65 on feebay.

IMO opinion; growing marijuana, cfl, and advantage don't belong in the same sentence.
yeah the prices are pretty decent on those

id never ever grow with flouros again but i will say that i did grow some super dank plants under CFLs...yields were horrible but the qual was real good...thats about all that was good lol