400 watt MH/HPS soil grow


I need some advice here. I have some ice seeds and a closet that measures roughly six square feet & is about six feet tall, with a shelf above and is about another 1.5-2ft to the ceiling. I have a 400 watt HPS/MH with a sunleaves reflector that has the port on each side. It also looks like there is a piece of glass that I could get that would go on the bottom over the light. I don't have the glass & don't know what kind of glass to put in there. Any how in this closet I'm only allowed to grow two maybe three plants at the most. I want to get the biggest yield I can and would love to be able to eventually be able to harvest maybe every two months or so. I guess my question is what method sog, scrog, regular, or any other method would yield the most, and have the quickest turn around? I realize this is a super long post and I'm sorry, but I want to get this right. Any advice on any of this would be greatly appreciated.


I get that and in the future after I see what I have for females ill probably get some kind of trimmings and start a seperate area to veg maybe use the space above the shelf with a blanket to keep the light out using cfls maybe or I might get another light. I guess I really want to know if ill get more yield sogging,scrogging, or just regularly lettin it grow?