400wHPS/MH Ventilation questions need advice please!


Well-Known Member
Hey all well on my 1st grow pretty much and i just got a sun system 2 in my 4x2x5 tent....got a 4" 109cfm fan i believe....got a clip fan and a tower fan on other side with side vent propped open....I dont know if i should just reposition my fan a little closer to the light....and remove some of the ducting it came with way to much from who i got it from. Or should i take the piece off and run ducting from my light to fan to carbon filter? any ideas please thanks !! also temps are running around 90-95 but the thermostat is about 6" above canopy maybe not sure if thats to hot but id rather get some advice !!


UPDATE! LOL Ok well i moved the inline exhaust down alot closer to the hood....and removed over a foot of extra duct hose that should also help with the flow ??? and i hope it will help remove some of the bulb heat being way closer to it


Well-Known Member
Also im going to start freezing a 1 gal jug water n let fan blow over it all day hopefully reduce temp a little !


Well-Known Member
Also the 6" clip fan I have really doesn't blow to much air around I just ordered a 10" brezzi or sumn supposed to be good was 35 bucks I figure put that new fan by my open flap n move tower fan too other side.. So should I run some duct from my inline to hood or pointless since it has no glass ??


Well-Known Member
Any ideas bigger inline ? Connect duct to hood or ?? I know I need cooler intake but I rent so hard to get extra cold air n


Well-Known Member
Awesome bro ! + rep been reading everyone's posts I could find I understand the concept just trying to get opinions on if it's worth it to run air cool to the hood if I have no glass on it also or leave it how it is ?


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro yeah wish I didn't rent maybe one day I can build my credit up and savings to own lol then I could do what I wanted to it :) I'm def gonna check it out gotta figure something out lol