6 Days before Harvest :)

So I had a spider mite infestation last week,

went to my hydro guy and he told me might wash is good to use until the day before harvest....

did some research and found that its some kind of organic oil (Lavender?) mixed with water.

I sprayed today when lights went out.... I kept the tent open only so I can fan them for 30 mins so some of the moisture dissipates....

Should I go ahead and pull early to avoid bud rot or do you guys think this should be okay?


Well-Known Member
I had mites last year & used a product call organicide. It worked real well with no adverse effect to the buds.
Yeah, the product ended up working out for the best.

No more mites.... and the buds look amazing and almost ready....

Can't wait to harvest and cure...

Started flushing today... Debating on three day flush or 7 day flush....

I guess I'll have to see how they're looking at day 3....