A Rockwool Medical Gro, 14 Lights of Goodness!


New Member
Well I finally decided to do a Journal of my medical grow. I have been posting and commenting on stuff all over RIU and I guess I better put my money where my mouth is, so to speak, so I'll start with a little info.

I have been growing now for going on 25 years now, it started out many moons ago to just have cheap smoke in a tiny little closet, with dirt. I cut my teeth in that little room and learnt how and what makes a decent crop. I recently was diagnosed with cancer and made the decision to grow again. With a little research I found that this fun drug was actually a wonder drug so I took my the majority of my savings and expanded my little rooms and applied for a DG license. Its been a year and some in the making but I finally have 3 patients(two of which I already hold their license and one is in the process). I am currently holding a 247 plant count and once I have the third it will be 346. I run a perpetual system of 12 plants in my flower and am cycling between 40-50 in different stages in veg. With trying different strains and keeping a full line up I doubt I will ever use mor than 100 at one time. The plant count allows me to change to a sog set up if I want a change. For now these 12 girls supply more than enough for the 4 of us. My wife is currently applying for her DG and will take the riens when my health starts to fail.

Enough of the book! I know your all here for the pics so here goes!

The build: This is where it all starte again last year.



Intakes and exhausts 2 of each 6" for lighting

Cooling and ventilation

Odour Control:

Thats pretty much the set up... I will be back to show and tell a little more!

Being newer I have not been able to reduce the size of my pics, help would be nice unless you guys like huge pics!;-)

Back with more shortly
Nice clean set up and looking very professional! I am curious to what your yields are like and how often do you harvest? Also, I too would like to know the genetics. Best of luck and have faith in the greens, they will do wonders for your health.



New Member
The 2 main genetics I am currently running full steam are both from GHS, one is Great white shark and the other is Cheese. I am currently on the hunt and have 5 other trials. I will get into these in a little bit.

Nutes and Stuff:

This is my starting line up. I have set a program of feeding that not only gives the girls what they need, and when but does it at a very reasonable cost using high quality nutrients. In addition I also include additives like voodoo for the root zone early in life, Cal/max for when they turn on the burners, and Carboload for the final kick. I include a couple of steroids for weight but thats in the testing stages.
The work station:

Sorry for the mess I wasn't expecting company;-)

I know a lot of people have different views and I respect that. I use AN as a standard, I have used most products at one time or another and AN is my choice as I have been able to actually bring my overall costs down.

The Meat and potatoes...Lighting:
Flower room is currently running 2 banks of six lights. All 12 are 600watters and are set up in a grid pattern for efficient overlap. I have purchased dimmible Lumi's with super lumens feature which allows for an additional 150 watts of lighting. Well will see I guess!

Its quite the shot!

2 eight light cap controllers handle the power with 2 seperate 50 amp circuits. I have the ability for an additional 4 lights of any wattage.
First Bank:

Second Bank:

Please look past the shitty girls...they went through HELL with some of the reno" going on. These girls were testers for a new tray system I am implimenting.

Each bank of lights has a 6" inline fan pulling fresh air through and back outside. The air does not need filters because the loop is outside to outside. Bug screens are a must. It will be great for winter!

I'll move on to the tables, trays and medium next but its supper

To be Con't.....



Active Member
This setup is like those pro setups that everyone can study to see how to do things properly. Everything from electric sockets up high to water down low to the green light. Simple, efficient but that simplicity is a result of an intelligent and experienced breeder. Nice job bro. Excited to see more pics down the road. You reminded me of my long overdue renovation. Even the training you did with the plants is spot on. God dam. You even use the same amount of nutes as me. You know I see so many noobs lately thinking they need to give the base npk plus a dozen other fucken things. New growers, Keep your grow simple and they can yield like this garden.

The best part is when you called it a "shitty garden" hahahahaha.


New Member
thanks max there has been a few (many) room changes over the years, now that Im legal I can worry more about ease of operation then conceilment.

Tables and Medium: I have built custom tables that allows me to adjust height. With my lights mounted solid the tables allow me to keep my girls in the sweet spot at all times. I have lower back issues and these tables were designed to eliviate any lifting issues that may arise.

The trays are pretty standard. I am trying new smaller trays in the attempt to lessen my volume of water usage.

I use full rockwool slabs but with a twist, I cut them into thirds and individually plant 2 per tray(currently trying 3 per). I have found that if you have multiple plants in a slab one always seems to lag behind, if you seperate the root zones they all seem to grow equally aggressive and you get full growth from all. Its a little extra work but I save a little money and I feel I have much better growing conditions.

I have dabbled in pretty much every hydro set up you can think of, spent thousands of dollars on equipement only to find out that using rock makes all that "old hat". I would recommend using it to anyone that wants to try hydro. It doesn't get easier you just have to think out of the box and make things work for you.

I think Im loosin you guys so this is a gtod place for a interlude of goodness:

I just had to get my mug in the photos!;-)

More to come, I think Ill go over cloneing and my veg room soon




Active Member
Your a fucken young dude. Good for you man, give her 20 years and Id love to see what your gardens fucken look like. I use the tomato hoops too. Keep the photos coming, they are fun to look at. I would say they are inspiring.

lol you look like the dude from top chef canada season 2.

oh question, how much you get off of those drain and flo trays? each plant? how long you veg them for? Ive never grown that style. Just curious. Yours are nice.


Sir Ganga!

Man what a slick set up you have going on! I am going to start an rockwool slab drip to waste. although I am going to have to some how connect two slab because my trays are 44 in long.......any suggestions on how to do such? saran wrap and duct tape? What kind of red tape are you using? does not interfere with the nutes?

Thanks so much SIR GANGA, your ladies look beautiful!


New Member
Your a fucken young dude. Good for you man, give her 20 years and Id love to see what your gardens fucken look like. I use the tomato hoops too. Keep the photos coming, they are fun to look at. I would say they are inspiring.

lol you look like the dude from top chef canada season 2.

oh question, how much you get off of those drain and flo trays? each plant? how long you veg them for? Ive never grown that style. Just curious. Yours are nice.
Don't feel young anymore! Sorry not me..lol. Using rockwool in any of the trays I have tried seems to produce quite well. I haven't figured out per plant but am averaging 900g a tray under 2 600 watters. Being perpetual I use grams per watt as my gauge. Being a fairly new set up I figure 3/4g per watt is a good start;-)

Sir Ganga!

Man what a slick set up you have going on! I am going to start an rockwool slab drip to waste. although I am going to have to some how connect two slab because my trays are 44 in long.......any suggestions on how to do such? saran wrap and duct tape? What kind of red tape are you using? does not interfere with the nutes?

Thanks so much SIR GANGA, your ladies look beautiful!
You can use almost anything and just add it to either end then tape it all together. The way I am growing I put a little trap to water through, makes for a quick and easy water.

The red tape is a builders product called tuck tape. It is meant for installing vapor barrier. Home depot, Lowes or someone like that will have it. Its great stuff, sticky, sticky.

Thanks for looking in guys and keep the comments comming

More to come for sure.


Active Member
I am amazed at how beautiful your grow set up and rooms are. I have recently started growing due to medical reasons and the cost of medication. I only have the money to run one 600 watt which is switchable but I’ve never used an MH bulb yet. Until I get a tent or build a room, I’m stuck to a closet grow. After seeing yours it has inspired me to step my game up!


Active Member
I have a question for for you, well maybe a lot more then that... What would be the best size to set up a flowering closet for my 600 watt light, and what would be a good size veging closet using t5 lights?


New Member
Thanks for looking Manish. For a single 600 its foot print of light is roughly 3x3. Now if you were in a closet say 3x5 or something like that it works also. People have a tendency to fill an area when in fact using the space correctly will give you a better result. Yeild is directly related to sq/footage once you have a handle on the basics. t-5's work great for vegging they come in many sizes and shapes to fit your needs. Generally your veg area does not need to be as large of space as your flower.

Hope this helps ya out