Aero/dwc 40 gallon custom tote build


Well-Known Member
Hi rollitup !!!
I have a 40 gallon tote build that I customed.

Parts list
. 1/2"x24" pvc was used to build one 40 gallon tote. 7. 90° Elbow 18.360 misters 1. Elbow tee 8. Tee. 1. 1/2"x1/2" male adapter or coupler

The break down
I used a pvc cutter
2. 9" 4. 8 1/2" 2. 7 1/2" 4. 6 1/4" 8. 2 1/2"
There should be over a foot of pvc left over to connect to the elbow tee and then to your 1/2" male adapter connected to submersible pump.


Follow my ig @Dankrolledfreshed for videos, steath projects and more!!!

Also building a 44 site recirculating aeroponic cloner using 2 five gallon totes :hump:
Are you gonna run the nozzles on a repeat cycle timer or all the time?

Hi mate !!! I'm running 24/0 when the roots reach halfway to the bottom I will then add 20 gallons of water plug in my commercial air pump then I will switch my aeroponic timer to 30mins on 30 mins off
Hi mate !!! I'm running 24/0 when the roots reach halfway to the bottom I will then add 20 gallons of water plug in my commercial air pump then I will switch my aeroponic timer to 30mins on 30 mins off
So is it a crossover of a system with sprayers and DWC?
This is exactly what i have been researching and trying to piece together.

I want to try aero and dwc but it really seems a hybrid of the 2 would work nicely. Your idea is kinda how i was picturing it in my head, only i planned to use 4 x 18 or 27g totes and 1 40/60/80g res.

Any updates on this @Dankrolledfreshed ?