air exchange?


alright guys quick question.... Do i have enough air exchange?

6ft x 3ft cab 18ft sqaured

i have 2... 4inch 175 cfm fans venting out to the attic n 1...4inch in-flow into the cab taking from the room outside the cab. also a 6inch high x 12 inch wide hole cut into the back of the cab


Well-Known Member
18x 8=144 you have more then enough with one fan only need to turn the air over once every five minutes


Well-Known Member
Overkill i think...i use a 4 inch inline with carbon filter and an open hole for air in...and im gonna put a cool tube in next week so i can run 400watts with the doors closed



Active Member
No wrong you must convert your sq ft in to cubic ft before you can size a fan for the correct size CFM: definition Cubic Feet per Min. So if you have 18 sq ft space you will also need the height of the space to convert to Cubic ft ,Ok si you have 18 sq ft let say your height is 5ft then that would = 90 cubic ft ,so in that space alone a 90 cfm fan can exchange 100% of the air in that space in one min,and only if the required amount of fresh air can be supplied , in this case at 90 cfm there would have to be a 6 inch round duct entering the space to supply fresh cooler air. with out the proper amount of fresh air comming in you are just wasting your time ,its about moving air not hindering it ,I dont no how to grow yet ,but thats because Ive been busy moving air for a living over 30 yrs.