any advice on my first grow?

All constructive criticism very much appreciated!

I have a 4x4 grow tent with a T5 sunblazer 6 lamps 54w for vegatative, and 600w HPS for flowering. I have 5 acapulco gold seeds from it says my seeds will get 500g/m2. i will be growing 4 plants one per 5.7 gallon buckets DWC with rockwool medium. I will try and keep the tent at a temperature of 74-76 F.

After my first grow i might get a 1000w HPS, and maybe veg with MH. Do the carbon filters work to rid the smell? im growing at home, and dont want it to smell the entire house up to bad. i dont mind if it smells alittle inside, but would love to find a way to make it odorless any ideas?

i was thinking of germinating by placing the seeds in the rockwool dip the rockwool in 5.8 ph water (maybe alittle nutrients?) going to keep the rockwool in a clear tuber ware container with the top on it in my closet untill the first 2 round green leaves open then i was thinking i should put them under the light with only 1-3 bulbs and about a foot high untill the plants true leaves show. then put all 6 bulbs in and put them into there pots.

I have failed a couple of times getting seeds to start correctly i have been germinating the seeds untill the 2 round green leaves show then i place them in the res with 6 lamps on, and they have been dieing at the base of the plant.
i think the problems could be the lights burning the root area, or to much nutrients to soon. any advice?

i have AN grow, micro, and bloom with B-52, and voodoo juice.
veg 21 Liter res 5.8 ph
Week 1: PPm= 800 EC= 1.14 Micro= 21 ml Grow=21 ml Bloom= 4.03 ml B-52= 84 ml Voodoo= 25.2 ml
Week 2: PPm= 1000 EC= 1.42 Micro= 26.25 ml Grow= 26.25 ml Bloom= 5.04 ml B-52= 105 ml voodoo= 31.5 ml
Week 3: Ppm= 1100 EC= 1.57 Micro= 28.77 ml Grow= 28.77 ml Bloom= 5.38 ml B-52= 121.8 ml voodoo= 36.33ml
Week 4: PPm= 1200 EC= 1.71 Micro= 33.6 ml Grow= 33.6 ml Bloom= 6.3 ml B-52= 131.25 ml voodoo= none
week 5: PPm= 1300 EC= 1.85 Micro= 37.8 ml Grow= 37.8 ml Bloom= 6.83 ml B-52= 141.75 ml voodoo= none
Week 6: SAME AS WEEK 5
Week 1: Micro= 22.47 ml = Grow= Bloom B-52= none Voodoo= 63 ml PPM= 1000
Week 2: Micro= 25.2 ml = Grow= Bloom B-52= none Voodoo= 75.6 ml PPM= 1200
Week 3: Micro= 29.4 ml = Grow= Bloom B-52= 88.2 ml Voodoo= none PPM= 1400
Week 4: Micro= 34.23 ml = Grow= Bloom B-52= 100.8 ml Voodoo= none PPM= 1600
Week 5: Micro= 34.23 ml = Grow= Bloom B-52= 88.2 ml Voodoo= none PPM= 1400
Week 6: Micro= 22.47 ml = Grow= Bloom B-52= 75.6 ml Voodoo= none PPM= 1200
Week 7: flush


Well-Known Member
When growing hydro, Start your ph at around 5.5 it will slowly rise, top off/change your water every week. NO nutes for the first 2 weeks. if you do just give them voodoo but i would wait at least 2 weeks b4 feeding anything. keep your res temps down too if they get to hot/cold you will slow your growth down you would be better off letting them root up nice in a cube under a humidity dome b4 putting them in your system, as far as smell goes good luck, yes the filters do work ! but only so much you can get ona cubes too them work great ! i would start at like 300ppm shouldn't need to much nutes with the voodoo that will help the plants uptake the nutes but work your way up slowly if they start to burn then back them off just a tad. it sounds like you have some knowledge about growing. some advice always be willing to learn something new if you keep that you will growing like a pro in no time


Well-Known Member
All sounds good mate. Carbon filters work great buy a decent one and not jap crap and you won't smell anything out side of the tent even with the air vents open. And with germinating a put in jiffy pellets with a 400 hps about 4-5 foot away and make sure I mist 4xs a day and always keep pellet moist. Then when a healthy few roots pop out the sides/bottom I then put in net pots with clay balls and fill res to top with an e.c of .8 (my water here is .4) and when roots reach the res water they take off like a rocket. Just make sure you pour res water over the jiffy pettet or in your case Rockwool cube daily untill roots are in the res water. Threw out the grow you can raise the e.c my last grow I started at 0.8 and finished at 3.6 but always have done grows what started at 0.8 e.c and ended at 1.5 and was a nicer yield so now I stick to less is more and stay between 0.8 and 1.5. 0.8 ec = 560 ppm 1.5 ec = 1120 ppm. Hope this helps
hydro for your first grow is ballsy, good luck and dont fuck off one day or your whole crop will be dead.

thats a high ppm for week 1, i keep my 1-3 week seedlings at 300 and go to 600 3-5 and go to flower and its 800 till the last 3 weeks and its back down to 500 and the last week is pure water. good luck.
thanks for the advice! i will start lower, and move my way up week by week. If the plants keep putting ppm down every week then i will keep uping the PPM if they dont use up the nuts then i will lower it! i am going to start germinating tonight or tomorrow morning.


Well-Known Member
hydro for your first grow is ballsy, good luck and dont fuck off one day or your whole crop will be dead.

My first grow was hydro had lil problems ph off her and there, nute burn but was easily fixable and got 6-1/2 oz from a 400hps what is pretty good. You seem like you no more about this then I did when I did my first grow. Make sure you read up about it it helps a lot bongsmilie
i want to reach around 10-16 ounces a plant! is that possible if the strain says it will yield 500 gram/m2? should a scrog them? i thought it would be hard to do the res changes ever week with them growing SCROg


New Member
Make sure you keep temps under control and no light leaks during flowering dark period. Run pondzyme or aquashield or something in your res, and keep the temp of your water below 72 with ice bottles or a chiller. To avoid root rot and other bullshit.

Carbon filters work well but u need an inline fan running for it to scrub the air. You can also use ona gel. Other things you may find you need are a cooltube and duct silencer.

I run seedlings in dwc at about 150 ppm .5 conversion.


Well-Known Member
i want to reach around 10-16 ounces a plant! is that possible if the strain says it will yield 500 gram/m2? should a scrog them? i thought it would be hard to do the res changes ever week with them growing SCROg
Dont mean this to sound rude but try and germ a seed before thinking your guna be able to get 10-16 oz a plant lol I'm no pro but my highest was 4 oz of one in scrog dwc and was very happy. Sure you can get 10-16 but takes experience.
And res changes arnt hard when you scrog ether wait for plant to drink 90% and top up or put a hose pipe in and suck it out like people do with car petral tanks just make sure you got a container for it to go in to and when taking out the res water make sure it's higher then the empty container. Hope this helps
When growing hydro, Start your ph at around 5.5 it will slowly rise, top off/change your water every week. NO nutes for the first 2 weeks. if you do just give them voodoo but i would wait at least 2 weeks b4 feeding anything. keep your res temps down too if they get to hot/cold you will slow your growth down you would be better off letting them root up nice in a cube under a humidity dome b4 putting them in your system, as far as smell goes good luck, yes the filters do work ! but only so much you can get ona cubes too them work great ! i would start at like 300ppm shouldn't need to much nutes with the voodoo that will help the plants uptake the nutes but work your way up slowly if they start to burn then back them off just a tad. it sounds like you have some knowledge about growing. some advice always be willing to learn something new if you keep that you will growing like a pro in no time
So i have this 1 seedling growing i put it in rockwool about 2 weeks ago with 1 drop of voodoo juice to a cup of water and when i put it in the clay pellets under light i gave it bottled water with a ppm of 35 added micro grow bloom then b52 and voodoo to bring the ppms to 200! when i get my cal-mag should i put the water at 5.5 with a 200ppm of calmag?